중국, 시속 600km 자기부상열차(maglev) 개발 속도 VIDEO: China set to step up testing on country’s fastest-ever maglev train with top speed of 600km/h

China set to step up testing on country’s fastest-ever maglev train with top speed of 600km/h

The country is planning a network of superfast trains that could slash journey times on major routes

Prototypes of the new trains are set for a series of tests with commercial production slated to start next year

Published: 12:00pm, 11 Aug, 2020

China’s Ministry of Transport has given the green light to step up tests on its fastest-ever train with a top speed of 600km/h (373 miles per hour).

The first maglev prototype rolled off the production lines in May. Photo: Getty ImagesThe first maglev prototype rolled off the production lines in May. Photo: Getty Images


중국, 시속 600km 자기부상열차(maglev) 개발 속도

    중국 교통부가 최고 시속 600km(시속 373마일)의 고속 열차에 대한 시험주행을 할 수 있도록 허가했다.

과학기술 일간지 과학기술에 따르면 

중국 교통부는 지난주 발표한 스마트 교통 기반시설 구축 계획에 대한 지침에서 자기부상열차(maglev)에 대한 추가 시험을 승인했다고 한다.

시제품을 만든 CRRC 칭다오 시팡의 우동화 수석 엔지니어는 "고속 자기부상열차 개발은 중국이 선도적인 철도 운송 기술을 장악하고 고속철도 분야에서 국가 우위를 유지하는 데 도움이 될 수 있다"고 말했다.

"마글레브 열차는 현재 가장 빠른 지상 대중 교통 수단이다… 시속 600km/h의 자글브 열차는 고속철도와 항공기 사이의 간격을 메울 것이다."

기존 열차와 달리 마글레브 열차는 선로 위를 맴돌며 강력한 전자석들에 의해 앞으로 추진되며 마찰력이 부족하면 훨씬 빠른 속도로 주행할 수 있다.

 마글레브열차 개발은 지난해 중국의 교통 인프라 구축 핵심 목표 중 하나로 꼽혔다.

상하이 공항과 도심 사이의 독일산 국내 최초의  마글레브노선이 2003년에 개통되었다. 중국은 2016년 창사에 첫 홈베이징 노선을 개통했지만 지금까지 신설된 열차 중 최고 속도인 시속 600㎞에 도달하는 열차는 없었다


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황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

via youtube

edited by kcontents

The ministry approved further tests on the magnetic levitation, or maglev, train in guidelines issued last week on plans to build a smart transport infrastructure, according to Science and Technology Daily.

“The development of high-speed maglev can help China seize the leading rail transit technology and maintain the country's advantage in the field of high-speed rail,” said Wu Donghua, deputy chief engineer from CRRC Qingdao Sifang, which built the prototypes.

“The maglev train is currently the fastest available ground public transport vehicle … the 600km/h maglev train would fill a gap between high-speed rail and aeroplanes.”

Unlike conventional trains, maglev trains hover above the track and are propelled forward by powerful electromagnets, and the lack of friction makes them capable of travelling at much higher speeds.

Developing the maglev train was listed as one of China’s key goals in transport infrastructure building last year.

The country’s first maglev line, a German-built link between Shanghai airport and the city centre opened in 2003. China opened its first home-built line in Changsha in 2016, but none of the trains built or tested so far have been capable of reaching the new trains’ top speeds of 600km/h.

In July, China announced that it would build up to nine maglev railways covering over 1,000km.

Testing on the trains began in June. Photo: Xinhua

Once the new maglevs enter service they will take two hours off the present journey time between Beijing and Shanghai, cutting it to 3½ hours, according to state broadcaster CCTV.

Other planned links include lines in the Yangtze and Pearl River deltas, and Chendgu and Chongqing, two of the biggest cities in the southwest.

Testing has already started on prototypes of the new trains after the first model rolled off CRRC’s production lines in May.

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China's 600 kph maglev train conducts successful test run


