43명의 생명을 앗아간 이탈리아 제노바 모란디 교량...무지개와 함께 재탄생 VIDEO: Italy inaugurates new Genoa bridge, two years after tragedy

Italy inaugurates new Genoa bridge, two years after tragedy

Genoa's Morandi motorway bridge collapsed in 2018, killing 43 people and injuring hundreds. The new bridge has been designed by a star architect and built in record time — but feelings were mixed ahead of its opening.

New bridge opens in Genoa under a rainbow (AFP/M. Medina)


43명의 생명을 앗아간 이탈리아 제노바 모란디 교량...무지개와 함께 재탄생

    제노바의 모란디 고속도로 교량이 2018년 붕괴돼 43명이 숨지고 수백 명이 다쳤다. 이 새로운 다리는 유명 건축가에 의해 설계되었고 기록적인 시간 내 건설됐지만 개통되기 전에 느낌이 엇갈렸다.

이탈리아 항구도시 제노바는 모란디 다리 붕괴 2주년을 앞둔 24일 새 산조르지오 고속도로 다리를 개통했다.

2018년 8월 14일, 그것을 설계한 엔지니어의 이름을 딴 모란디 고속도로 다리가 폭우 중에 무너졌다. 수십 대의 차와 여러 대의 트럭이 아래 철로 위로 떨어졌다. 참사로 모두 43명이 숨지고 수백 명이 더 다쳤다.

2018년 다리 붕괴로 43명의 사망자 낸 이탈리아 제노바에서, 새 교량이 3일 완공돼 국기 색으로 조명 밝혀


비극이 닥치다.

이탈리아 항구도시 제노바의 모란디가 2018년 8월 14일 붕괴돼 43명이 사망하고 수백 명이 부상했다. 그것은 이탈리아 역사상 가장 큰 인적 재난 중 하나였다. 일부 주탑들은 2019년 6월 통제된 다이너마이트에 의해 파괴될 때까지 거의 1년 동안 서 있었다.

주세페 콘테 총리는 머리 위의 비행기들이 이탈리아 국기를 연기하기 전에 연설을 하고 리본을 자르기도 했다.

수십 년 만에 일어난 최악의 시민 재난 중 하나인 이 사건은 이탈리아의 열악한 인프라 정비에 불을 지피고 다리를 운영한 유료 도로 운영업체 아우토스트레이드에 대한 조사를 촉발시켰다.

DW의 샤를로트 셸섬-필은 "이 낡은 다리가 이탈리아의 인프라 중 최악이었다면, 이 새로운 다리는 그 중 최고를 보여줄 것으로 생각된다"고 현장에서 보도했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

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VIDEO: Italy, Benettons reach deal after Genoa bridge collapse


edited by kcontents

The Italian port city of Genoa inaugurated its new San-Giorgio motorway bridge on Monday, shortly before the two-year anniversary of the Morandi bridge collapse.

On August 14, 2018, the Morandi motorway bridge — named after the engineer who designed it — gave way during heavy rain. Dozens of cars and several trucks fell onto railway tracks below. A total of 43 people were killed in the disaster and hundreds more were injured.

The remains of the Morandi viaduct are destroyed in a controlled explosion (Getty Images/AFP/M. Tacca)


Tragedy strikes

The Morandi viaduct in the Italian port city of Genoa collapsed on August 14, 2018, causing the deaths of 43 people and injuring hundreds more. It was one of the biggest civil disasters in Italian history. Some of the pylons remained standing for almost a year until they were destroyed by controlled dynamite in June 2019 — to make way for a new bridge.

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte gave a speech and cut a ribbon before planes overhead displayed the Italian flag in smoke.

The incident — one of Italy's worst civil disasters in decades — shone a light on the country's poor infrastructure maintenance, as well as sparking an investigation into toll-road operator Autostrade that ran the bridge.

“If the old bridge was the worst of Italy’s infrastructure, this new bridge is thought to exhibit the best of it," DW's Charlotte Chelsom-Pill said, reporting from the scene.

Architect: 'A mixture of sorrow and pride'

The replacement bridge was designed by star architect and Genoa native Renzo Piano, who was also the architect for the Shard in London and the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris.

"The new bridge is taking the place of the old one, so it's a mix of sorrow, of what's happening, but also pride," Piano told DW. "Not just by me, by the entire community, more than 1,000 people. There is the pride of being able to rebuild the bridge. This is suspended somewhere between the sorrow and pride," said Piano, who also spoke at the inauguration. 

Prime Minister Conte said the new bridge will be a "symbol of a new Italy rising up again." Italian President Sergio Mattarella was the first to officially cross the bridge.

Families of the victims are not attending the ceremony. Instead, they are meeting 10 days later to mark the second anniversary of the tragedy.

The bridge is expected to open to traffic on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Record construction time

There were just 18 months between the demolition of the old bridge to the opening of the new bridge. Out of these, the bridge-erecting process lasted just 10 months — a point of pride for a country often criticized for its slow pace in carrying out public projects.

"There was no day off, we worked through Christmas and Easter too. It was madness but we were all set on this year being 'bridge year," said head construction worker Stefano Mosconi.

It was "an honor" to be part of the project, added Mosconi.

The mayor of Genoa, the President of Italy and the President of Liguria attend the opening of the bridge (AFP/A. Solaro)

Italian President Sergio Mattarella was the first to cross the bridge

Despite the success of the project, the inauguration was a muted affair out of respect for the victims and their families.

"There's a feeling of both regret for what happened and pride in the work that's been done," mayor of Genoa and state-appointed commissioner for bridge reconstruction Marco Bucci told news agency Reuters. "We've worked and shown Italian excellence."

Mosconi said he and his colleagues were not planning on celebrating the bridge, fearful of causing misunderstandings: "Sure, we've built something good but first something terrible took place."

Autostrade under investigation

Autostrade, which runs almost half of Italy's motorway network, is currently under investigation for culpable homicide, following the bridge tragedy. Several Transport Ministry officials are also being investigated.

The company faces allegations of falsified safety reports and in-house pressure to slash maintenance costs.

Atlantia, the parent group of Autostrade, bowed to pressure last month and relinquished control of its toll-road operator, which will be nationalized.

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Italy inaugurates a new Genoa bridge rebuilt after a deadly collapse that killed 43 people 


