삼협댐, 변형 시작? 수위 -10m까지..."중국 정부, 잘못된 정보" VIDEO: Latest round of defamation to Three Gorges Dam shows lack of basic knowledge

Latest round of defamation to Three Gorges Dam shows lack of basic knowledge

By Wang Qi and Shan Jie Source: Global Times Published: 2020/7/21 21:28:40

Chinese engineers and mechanics experts on Tuesday denounced a new round of Western media reports that hyped the Three Gorges Dam deformation rumor, saying the reports were taken out of context and exposed their anti-China mindset and lack of basic physics knowledge.

Photo taken on July 19, 2020 shows floodwater being discharged from the Three Gorges Dam in central China's Hubei Province. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu)


삼협댐 변형 시작?..."중국 정부, 잘못된 정보"

   중국 건설공학자들과 기계학 전문가들은 화요일 삼협댐 변형설을 과장 보도한 새로운 서방 언론 보도를 비난했다.

일부 서방 언론은 댐이 중국에 있지 않는 한 댐 하나에 그렇게 집착한 적이 없다. 중국 양쯔강에 대한 삼협 프로젝트는 비난과 루머에 직면해 있으며, 붕괴 위험, 지진 발생, 홍수 악화 같은 이전의 비난이 터무니없다는 것이 입증된 후, "변형 이론"은 또 다른 근거 없는 과장 광고에 불과했다고 관측자들은 말했다.

신화통신이 토요일 보도에서 다가오는 홍수 정점 속에서 댐의 변위, 변질, 변형이 정상 범위 안에 있다고 말한 후, 이들 서방 언론은 마치 댐이 자신들이 보도한 것처럼 무너지려는 것처럼 그 위에 뛰어들었다.

환구시보가 도달한 기술자들은 댐, 도로, 교량을 포함한 모든 힘 대상 물체가 어느 정도 변위와 변형을 보일 것이라고 언급했다. 탄성변형은 복구가 가능하고 영구적이지 않으며, 삼협댐의 변형은 항상 설계 한계 내에 있었다.

변형 얼룩은 중국 장마철 댐이 범람원을 잡고 있던 2019년 여름에도 나타났다. 당시 중국 전문가들은 댐이 붕괴할 가장자리에 있지 않았고, 약 1.4~26.7mm의 설계 한계 내에서 탄성 변형만 있었다고 설명했다.

세계 최대 싼샤댐 최고 수위 우려 수준

중국 남부에서 지난달부터 쏟아진 폭우로 창장(長江)에 있는 세계 최대 싼샤(三峽)댐이 세계적 관심을 받고 있다.

(서울=연합뉴스) 장성구 기자 sunggu@yna.co.kr

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

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Some Western media have never been so obsessed with a single dam, unless it was located in China. The Three Gorges Project on China's Yangtze River has faced smears and rumors, and the "deformation theory" was just another groundless hype, after previous accusations like collapse risks, causing earthquakes and aggravating floods were proven absurd, observers said. 

After the Xinhua News Agency in a Saturday report said the dam's displacement, percolation and deformation are within normal range amid an upcoming flood peak, these Western media jumped on it as if the dam was about to collapse like they had reported. 

Nikkei Asian Review

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Engineers reached by the Global Times noted all objects subjected to force, including dams, roads and bridges, will display displacement and deformation to a certain extent. The elastic deformation is recoverable and not permanent, and that of the Three Gorges Dam has always been within the design limits.

The deformation smear also emerged in the summer of 2019 when the dam was holding floodwaters during China's rainy season. Chinese experts explained at the time that the dam was not on the edge of collapsing, and only had elastic deformation within the designed limits of about 1.4 to 26.7 millimeters.  

Another slander in July 2019 cited satellite images of Google Maps showing the Three Gorges Dam "seriously distorted." Though the "distortion" later proved to be caused by low resolution of the image, the "deformation and collapse prediction" continued to circulate. 

Although the Three Gorges Project is the world's biggest hydropower project, its reservoir volume is small compared with others. The world's top 10 reservoirs are two to five times the size of the Three Gorges Reservoir. If the Three Gorges Dam is at risk of collapsing, what about the 26 reservoirs larger than it? said Zhang Shuguang, chief engineer of China Three Gorges Corp (CTG), which operates the massive project. 

Zhang also noted that the dam has a monitor system with more than 12,000 detection spots, which will sound an alarm if there is a minor abnormality. 


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Three Gorges Dam's operations are safe and sound, and there is no so-called distortion or other risks, CTG told the Global Times in a statement. "The Three Gorges Project is not so 'fragile' as some people have imagined… it has prevented large floods."

Real-time monitoring data shows that buildings and foundation of the Three Gorges Dam are working in a normal, safe and reliable manner, said the company. "Speculation without scientific monitoring data is irresponsible and unprofessional, or out of ulterior motives!" 

The lifespan of the Three Gorges Dam will be beyond 100 years, Zhang Chaoran, an academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering and an expert of hydropower-engineering, told the Global Times. 

With on-time maintenance to keep every part of the Three Gorges Dam in good condition, it could run for a long time, like the Dujiangyan project that has worked for 1,000 years, he said.

People's conscience is more easily distorted than a dam, while the dam is much stronger than rumors about it, observers said.  

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Gravitas: Three Gorges Dam: China's dam of doom 


