인도 뭄바이-아흐메다바드 고속철, 비용 상승 우려 일본과 차입 재협상 안해 Indian Railways rules out renegotiating loan with Japan on bullet train project

Indian Railways rules out renegotiating loan with Japan on bullet train project



The high speed rail network is estimated to cost Rs 1.1 lakh crore including the purchase of 24 train sets, interest during construction and import duties. The JICA is funding 81% of the total project cost, through a loan. Railway Board Chairman VK Yadav agreed that there will be a rise in the cost of the project but denied that there was any renegotiation on the loan with JICA.

NEW DELHI: Amidst growing concerns of cost escalation of the Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train project, the Railways on Friday said there was no renegotiation of its terms and conditions with the Japanese agency which is funding 81 per cent of the total project cost. The high speed rail network is estimated to cost Rs 1.1 lakh crore including the purchase of 24 train sets, interest during construction and import duties.

Times of India

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인도 뭄바이-아흐메다바드 고속철,  비용 상승 우려 일본과 차입 재협상 안해

    인도 뭄바이-아흐메다바드 고속철 사업의 비용 상승에 대한 우려가 커지고 있는 가운데 인도철도청은 금요일 전체 사업비의 81%를 지원하는 일본과의 재협상은 없다고 밝혔다. 인도 고속철도망에는 일본의 고속열차 24대의 차량 구입, 공사 중 이자와 수입관세 등 Rs 1.1 라크 크로어가 소요될 것으로 추정된다.

일본국제협력단(JICA)은 총 사업비의 81%를 융자로 조달하고 있다.

사업시행기관인 국가고속철도공사(NHSRCL)는 2023년 12월 사업 마감시한인 사업에 필요한 60%의 토지(구자라트 약 77%, 다다르 나가르 하블리 약 80%, 마하라슈트라 22%)를 취득했다.

그러나 국가고속철도공사(NHSRCL)는 인도 루피와 일본 엔화의 격차가 커지면서 토지 소유자들의 항의와 사업비 상승에 이르는 문제들과 씨름해야 했다.

온라인 매체와의 상호작용에서, VK 야다브 철도 이사회 의장은 사업비 상승에 동의했지만 JICA와의 대출에 대한 재협상은 없었다고 부인했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

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The Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is funding 81 per cent of the total project cost, through a loan.

The National High Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL), the implementing agency for the project has acquired 60 per cent land (about 77% land in Gujarat, 80% in Dadar Nagar Haveli and 22% in Maharashtra) needed for the project which has a deadline of December 2023.


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The NHSRCL, however, has had to contend with issues ranging from protests by landowners and rising cost of the project due to the widening gap between the Indian rupee and the Japanese yen leading to major rise in costs.

In an online media interaction, Railway Board Chairman VK Yadav agreed that there will be a rise in the cost of the project but denied that there was any renegotiation on the loan with JICA.

"Yes, there is cost escalation, but this is not the right time to review costs. That will be done when we finalise tenders. As in any project, we finalise the estimated cost based on historic cost. But the actual cost is known only when tenders are invited. That is the time when we come to know what the project cost is shaping up," he said.

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