코로나로 세계 경제타격 3조8천억불, 실업자 1억 4천만명 VIDEO: Covid-19 pandemic has cost the world's economy $3.8TRILLION 'and made 147 million people unemployed', study claims

Covid-19 pandemic has cost the world's economy $3.8TRILLION 'and made 147 million people unemployed', study claims

In the first work to attempt to quantify the impact of the pandemic, researchers from the University of Sydney created a detailed model of the global economy

Researchers studied the global impact of coronavirus and lockdown measures

The impact was worse due to the interconnected nature of the world economy

The airline and wider travel industry was hardest hit by coronavirus lockdown

Global wages dropped by $2.1 trillion or about 6 per cent of worldwide income

$536 billion or 21 per cent was lost because of a reduction in international trade 

The team say that easing coronavirus lockdown measures prematurely could have more severe and prolonged economic impacts than remaining in lockdown


PUBLISHED: 19:00 BST, 9 July 2020 | UPDATED: 21:46 BST, 9 July 2020


코로나로  세계 경제타격 3조8천억불, 실업자 1억 4천만명

  코로나바이러스 대유행과 확산 방지 대책으로 세계 경제는 3조8000억달러의 손실을 입었으며 1억4700만명이 실직한 것으로 나타났다.

전염병의 영향을 정량화하는 첫 번째 연구에서 시드니 대학의 연구원들은 세계 경제의 상세한 모델을 만들었다.

가장 큰 타격을 받는 부문은 여행 산업이다. 특히 아시아, 유럽, 미국에서 취소된 항공편과 방문객들에게 국경을 닫은 국가들 때문이다.

사실, 이러한 글로벌 연결성의 손실은 '경제적 전염'을 유발하여 무역, 관광, 에너지, 금융 부문에 큰 혼란을 야기시켰다고 연구팀은 말했다.

이미 느끼고 있는 전세계적 손실은 봉쇄 조치가 계속됨에 따라 증가할 가능성이 높지만, 너무 빨리 해제하면 '경제적 영향이 훨씬 더 심각하고 장기화될 수 있다'고 연구진은 말했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

The coronavirus pandemic and measures to slow its spread cost the global economy $3.8 trillion (£3 trillion), and put 147 million people out of work, a new study shows.


The UK economy is facing the worst recession in 300 years, since the Great Frost laid waste to Europe on 1709, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic 

In the first work to attempt to quantify the impact of the pandemic, researchers from the University of Sydney created a detailed model of the global economy.

The sector to be hit the hardest is the travel industry - due to cancelled flights and countries closing their borders to visitors - particularly in Asia, Europe and the US. 

In fact this loss of global connectivity 'triggered an economic contagion', causing major disruptions to trade, tourism, energy and finance sectors, the team said.

The global losses already felt are likely to increase as lockdown measures continue, but lifting them too soon could 'lead to even more severe and prolonged economic impacts', the researchers said. 

The employment-population ratio in the U.S had been steadily growing since 2010, as pictured above, before a sharp drop in April 2020 cased by coronavirus shutdowns. It remained at 52.8 percent in May meaning that 47.2 percent of all American adults are jobless

The OECD warned recently that the UK is likely to be one of the worst hit major economies from coronavirus this year


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