미국 정부, 온라인 수업 외국인 비자 취소 발급도 중단 VIDEO: International students may need to leave US if their universities transition to online-only learning

International students may need to leave US if their universities transition to online-only learning

By Priscilla Alvarez and Catherine E. Shoichet, CNN

Updated 0040 GMT (0840 HKT) July 7, 2020

How this college is working to bring students back to campus

(CNN)International students who are pursuing degrees in the United States will have to leave the country or risk deportation if their universities switch to online-only courses, Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced Monday.



미국 온라인 수업만 듣는 외국인 유학 불가

    미국 정부가 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 사태로 인해 가을 학기에 모든 수업을 온라인으로 받게 되는 외국인 학생의 경우 비자를 취소하고 신규 발급도 중단할 것이라고 6일(현지시간) 밝혔다.


(서울=연합뉴스) 장성구 기자sunggu@yna.co.kr

The move may affect thousands of foreign students who come to the United States to attend universities or participate in training programs, as well as non-academic or vocational studies.

Universities nationwide are beginning to make the decision to transition to online courses as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. At Harvard, for example, all course instruction will be delivered online, including for students living on campus. For international students, that opens the door to them having to leave the US.

"There's so much uncertainty. It's very frustrating," said Valeria Mendiola, 26, a graduate student at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. "If I have to go back to Mexico, I am able to go back, but many international students just can't."

In a news release Monday, ICE said that students who fall under certain visas "may not take a full online course load and remain in the United States," adding, "The U.S. Department of State will not issue visas to students enrolled in schools and/or programs that are fully online for the fall semester nor will U.S. Customs and Border Protection permit these students to enter the United States."

The agency suggested that students currently enrolled in the US consider other measures, like transferring to schools with in-person instruction. There's an exception for universities using a hybrid model, such as a mix of online and in-person classes.

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U.S. to halt visas for international students if their universities switch to online-only classes . kcontents

