베이징, 빅데이터로 35만 명 코로나 검사 중... 2천100만 명 다시 봉쇄돼 VIDEO: Beijing uses phone data to round up 350,000 people for coronavirus testing...

Beijing uses phone data to round up 350,000 people for coronavirus testing, and installs facial recognition checkpoints at apartment complexes as 21MILLION are put under lockdown

Beijing is using phone data to round up more than 350,000 people for coronavirus testing as the country battles a second wave of coronavirus. As fears rise over the new wave, thousands of people have rushed to get tested. Pictured: People pack into a corridor in a hospital west of Beijing as they wait to be tested

A Western reporter told how his phone rang after he attended the 'sprawling' Xinfadi wholesale market

The market is where the new outbreak, of which there have been 158 confirmed cases so far, started

Reporter Mark Schiefelbein was told to report to a nearby sports stadium to be tested for coronavirus

A city official said 355,000 people had been identified for testing using 'big data' but did not say how 

Residents have also been urged not to travel outside Beijing and thousands of flights have been cancelled 

Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19


PUBLISHED: 04:26 BST, 18 June 2020 | UPDATED: 11:13 BST, 18 June 2020


베이징, 빅데이터로 35만 명 코로나 검사 중... 2천100만 명 다시 봉쇄돼

   중국 정부는 2차 코로나바이러스 감염이 도래한 가운데, 빅 데이터를 사용해 35만 명 이상의 시민들을 코로나바이러스 검사 대상자로 확인했다..

또한, 적어도 2,100만 명의 중국인들이 봉쇄 조치의 일환으로 그들에게 다시 코로나 규정을 적용하고 있는 것으로 나타났다.

비상 수위가 높아진 뒤 시내 모든 주거단지에 검문소가 다시 설치됐고, 입·출입 희망자는 안면인식 카메라를 거치거나 디지털 패스를 보여줘야 한다.

베이징에서는 지난 24시간 동안 21건의 감염사례가 추가로 보고됐다고 국가보건위원회가 발표하면서 전체 신종 감염자 수는 158명으로 집계됐다. 그 수치는 수요일의 31건에서 하락했다.

하지만 테스트를 기다리는 많은 사람들이 최근 며칠 동안 베이징에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 광경이 되었다. 영상에는 베이징 서부의 산시에 있는 한 병원의 복도로 몰려든 수많은 사람들이 검사를 받기 위해 기다리는 모습이 담겨 있었다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

Beijing is using phone data to round up more than 350,000 people for coronavirus testing as the country battles a second wave of coronavirus.

One western reporter revealed how he received a phone call ordering him to get tested after he attended the 'sprawling' Xinfadi wholesale market, where the new outbreak started.

A city official explained that 355,000 people had been identified for testing using 'big data'.  

It also emerged that at least 21million have had lockdown rules reimposed on them in China as part of fightback measures. 

Checkpoints have been reimposed on all residential complexes in the city after its emergency response level was raised and residents are required to go through facial recognition cameras or show digital passes if they wish to enter or leave compounds. 

One western reporter revealed how he received a phone call ordering him to get tested after he attended the 'sprawling' Xinfadi wholesale market, where the new outbreak started. Pictured: An official checks the smartphone health app data of people at a COVID-19 testing site in Beijing on Wednesday

Another 21 cases of the virus were reported in the past 24 hours in Beijing, the National Health Commission said, taking the total number of new infections to 158. The figure was down from 31 on Wednesday. 

The decline in new cases prompted one of the country's leading epidemiologists to say at a briefing on Thursday that the city's outbreak is 'under control'. 

But crowds of people waiting to be tested have become a common sight in Beijing in recent days. Footage showed hordes of people packed into a corridor at a hospital in Shaanxi, west of Beijing, as they waited to be tested.  

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