인도-중국 카슈미르 라다크 충돌...최소 20명 사망 VIDEO: Twenty Indian soldiers are killed and 43 Chinese troops are injured or dead..
Twenty Indian soldiers are killed and 43 Chinese troops are injured or dead after brutal hand-to-hand fighting with stones and batons broke out at border point in Kashmir
The 'violent face-off' took place in Galwan valley in Ladakh region on Monday
India reported 20 fatalities in the battle that was fought with stones & batons
China has reported 43 casualties, but did not specify how many had died
The incident is first such confrontation between the two Asian giants since 1975
Indian soldiers erect a military bunker along the Srinagar-Leh National highway on June 16, 2020
PUBLISHED: 10:02 BST, 16 June 2020 | UPDATED: 19:51 BST, 16 June 2020
인도-중국 카슈미르 라다크 충돌...최소 20명 사망 카슈미르 지역은 국경을 맞대고 있는 두 나라의 오랜 영유권 다툼의 중심지였다 인도가 지난 15일 히말라야 인도-중국 접경 지역에서 벌어진 폭력 사태로 적어도 인도군 20명이 사망했다고 밝혔다. 이번에 발생한 인명 피해는 해당 국경지역에서 45년 만에 처음 발생한 것이다. 인도군은 화요일 오전 라다크 지역 갈완 계곡에서 중국군과 격렬한 충돌이 빚어져 자국 군인 3명이 사망했다고 발표했다. 하지만 얼마 지나지 않아 화요일 오후 추가로 부상 군인이 17명이 숨졌다며 최소 20명의 군인이 사망했다고 정정했다. 중국군은 피해 상황을 함구했지만, 인도군이 국경을 넘었다며 책임을 떠넘긴 바 있다. BBC 외교 특파원 제임스 로빈스는 히말라야 지역에서 이뤄지고 있는 두 나라의 갈등이 매우 심각한 상황이며, 둘 다 핵보유국이라는 점에서 전쟁으로 이어지지 말아야 한다는 압박이 거세지고 있다고 말했다. 카슈미르 내 라다크 지역은 국경을 맞대고 있는 두 나라의 오랜 영유권 다툼의 중심에 서왔다. 발생 경위 인도군은 화요일 오전 라다크 지역에서 일어난 충돌로 자국 대령 1명과 병사 2명 등 3명이 라다크 지역에서 숨을 거뒀다고 밝혔다. 이후 총 17명의 군인이 추가로 사망해 총 사망자 수가 20명으로 늘었다고 추가 발표했다. 인도는 중국군이 국경을 넘어 자국 군대를 공격했다고 비판했다. 반면 중국 외교부 자오리젠 대변인은 정례 브리핑에서 "인도군이 15일 두 차례 국경을 넘어 도발"하여 심각한 물리적 충돌이 벌어졌다고 말했다고 AFP 통신은 전했다. [전문] https://www.bbc.com/korean/international-53059299 |
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Twenty Indian soldiers, including a colonel, have been killed and China has reported 43 casualties after brutal hand-to-hand combat broke out between the two sides at the Himalayan border.
The Indian army stated today that a 'violent face-off' erupted in the Galwan Valley in the northern Ladakh state on Monday night 'with casualties on both sides.'
Despite initially reporting just two deaths, the army this afternoon announced that the true death toll was 20 soldiers, including a colonel.
Chinese authorities reported 43 casualties but did not specify how many soldiers had died in the confrontation, ANI news agency reported.
Tensions have flared between the two nuclear-armed nations in recent months, but these are the first fatalities in decades.
NDTV reported that no shots were fired in the battle, but that soldiers attacked each other with sticks and batons on the Indian side of the border.
The army said in a statement late Tuesday that the two sides 'have disengaged' from the disputed Galwan area where they clashed overnight on Monday.
The 20 soldiers succumbed to injuries they suffered in the sub-zero temperatures of the high-altitude terrain.
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Three Indian soldiers, including a senior army officer, were killed Monday night in a confrontation with Chinese forces along a disputed border area in the Himalayas (the red territory is controlled by India, and the beige and grey stripes, Aksai Chin, is Chinese but claimed by India)
Colonel B Santosh Babu (pictured) was one of the officers reported dead in the confrontation on the Ladakh border today
India's military statement earlier today said: 'During the de-escalation process in Galwan Valley, a violent face-off took place last night with casualties. The loss of lives on the Indian side includes an officer and two soldiers.
'Senior military officials of the two sides are currently meeting at the venue to defuse the situation.'
Among the dead was Colonel B. Santosh Babu, Commanding Officer of the 16 Bihar regiment.
His mother Manjula told the New Indian Express: 'I lost my son, I cannot bear it. But he died for the country and that makes me happy and proud.'
China has not commented on the deaths.
The incident is the first such confrontation between the two Asian giants since the 1975 Arunachal ambush, during which four Indian soldiers were killed along the disputed border, known as the Line of Actual Control (LAC).
Indian army soldiers rest next to artillery guns at a makeshift transit camp before heading to Ladakh, near Baltal, southeast of Srinagar today
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India says 20 soldiers killed in border clash with China