다시 코로나 봉쇄 시작된 베이징 VIDEO: Beijing back in lockdown: Parts of the city are fenced off and new travel bans..

Beijing back in lockdown: Parts of the city are fenced off and new travel bans introduced to stop new 'extremely severe' coronavirus outbreak

China reported 40 more coronavirus infection on Tuesday, with 27 in Beijing

One scientist has warned the new strain of the virus could be more infectious 

Officials have been fencing off parts of the city with some in total lockdown

This new outbreak has been linked with a food wholesale market called Xinfadi

Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19

Pictured: A Chinese epidemic control worker wears a protective suit and mask as he directs people at a site where authorities were performing nucleic acid tests for COVID-19 on citizens who have had contact with the the Xinfadi Wholesale Market, June 15, 2020 in Beijing, China


PUBLISHED: 06:20 BST, 16 June 2020 | UPDATED: 09:17 BST, 16 June 2020

다시 코로나 봉쇄 시작된 베이징

제2의 감염사태 시작되나

한국도 우려

   중국 당국은 화요일 수도에서 새로운 코로나바이러스 감염을 억제하고 이전에 코로나바이러스 감염이 발생한 것으로 보이는 곳에서 더 광범위하게 확산되는 것을 막기 위해  일부 여행 제한 조치를 다시 시행하고 있다.

유럽에서 라틴 아메리카로 감염경로가 전환을 거듭함에 따라, 중국의 재감염은 전염병 퇴치에 대한 경계심을 강조했다.

중국은 화요일에 40명의 코로나바이러스 감염자가 더 발생했다고 발표했는데, 그 중 27명은 베이징에서 발생했으며, 금요일 이후 베이징시의 총 감염량은 106명으로 집계됐다. 이중 적어도 한 명의 환자가 위독하고 두 명은 중환자였다.

한편, 우한대 병원균 생물학과 부국장은 국영 언론에 최근 베이징에서 발생한 조류독감 바이러스는 유행병이 시작되었을 때 우한을 강타한 바이러스보다 더 전염성이 강한 바이러스와 관련이 있다고 생각한다고 말했다.

쑨춘란 부총리는 시 당국자들에게 신종플루의 확산을 막기 위해 '가장 엄격한' 바이러스 방지 조치를 취하라고 촉구했다. 이 조치는 신파디라는 대규모 식품 도매 시장과 연계되어 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

Chinese authorities were reimposing some travel restrictions in the capital Tuesday as they worked to contain a new coronavirus outbreak and prevent it spreading more widely in a country that previously appeared to have largely contained the virus.

Pictured: People get tested for the coronavirus at a temporary testing facility in Beijing at an outdoor sports center June 15, 2020

As reopenings from Europe to Latin America continued, the resurgence in China highlighted expert calls for vigilance in the fight against the pandemic.

China reported 40 more coronavirus infections on Tuesday, 27 of them in Beijing, bringing the city´s total to 106 since Friday. At least one patient was in critical condition and two were in serious condition.

Meanwhile, deputy director of the pathogen biology department at Wuhan University - Yang Zhanqiu - told state media that he believed the latest outbreak in Beijing involved a more infectious strain of the virus than the one which hit Wuhan at the start of the pandemic. 

The country's Vice Premier Sun Chunlan urged the city's officials to impose 'the strictest' virus control measures to contain the spread of the virus, which has been linked to a massive food wholesale market called Xinfadi. 

Virologist Yang believed that the new strain could be more infectious based on the high number of new cases in a short period of time, according to China's state-run global times.

The Times reported that Yang believed that if the virus spreading in Beijing 'matches the type of virus sampled in the Xinfadi market and from Europe', then it was likely that it had been 'imported' into China by food or people from Europe.

Yang did warn that new strains of the virus make finding a vaccination more challenging, explaining: 'No doubt different genotypes of the virus can cause the vaccine to be less effective, or even ineffective. 

'That means the vaccine would have to be effective against both viruses circulating in China and those in Europe, adding difficulty to developing a vaccine,' he said.

Pictured: A police vehicle is seen outside an entrance of the Xinfadi wholesale market, which has been closed following cases of coronavirus infections in Beijing, June 16, 2020

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