노르웨이 해안가 마을 통째로 바다로 빨려들어가 Video shows landslide sweeping several homes into the sea in Norway

Video shows landslide sweeping several homes into the sea in Norway

by: CNN Wire

Posted: Jun 5, 2020 / 10:35 AM PDT / Updated: Jun 5, 2020 / 10:35 AM PDT

Several houses have been swept into the sea following a powerful landslide in Alta municipality, northern Norway, on Wednesday.

Anders Bjordal, a Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate engineer, told CNN that he saw there had been a “big clay slide” after being called to the scene at 4 p.m. (10 a.m. ET) Wednesday to offer guidance to the police and rescue team.



땅이 통째 바다로 스르르륵…노르웨이 해안가 마을 붕괴


    노르웨이에서 길이 800m의 해안절벽이 힘없이 붕괴되면서 그 위에 있던 해안가 마을이 통째로 바다로 빨려들어가는 일이 발생했습니다.

5일 로이터통신과 영국 익스프레스 등은 지난 3일(현지시간) 노르웨이 북부 핀마크 카운티 알타 마을 인근에서 큰 산사태가 발생해 상당한 면적의 땅이 육지에서 떨어져 나가면서 주택 8채도 함께 바다 속으로 쓸려갔다고 전했는데요.

지역 주민인 얀 에길 박케비 씨가 높은 곳으로 피신해 촬영한 영상 속에는 바다로 밀려가기 전 땅덩이가 이리저리 옮겨다니며 갈라지는 모습이 담겼습니다.


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The slide was 650 meters (2,133 feet) wide and 150 meters (492 feet) deep, destroyed eight buildings, including four cabins which act as weekend residences, Bjordal added.

via youtube

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No one was harmed and all people were evacuated from the buildings, he said.

Bjordal said mudslides of this scale “seldom happen in Norway, maybe every one or two years.”

“Here in Alta there has never been a slide that big,” he said.

Alta municipality, located in the country’s northernmost Finnmark county, is known for its forests, mountain plateaus, coastal landscapes, and Northern Lights.

Officials will be monitoring the land for further movement over the coming days, as well as monitoring the sea and seabed level.

Next week, officials will take soil measurements, Bjordal added.


Landslide Occurs in Alta, Norway - Jun. 3, 2020 


