스타워즈 장난감 제작 로봇 회사, 군과 경찰용 AI로봇 제작 착수 VIDEO: Toy Soldiers: Robotics company best known for building remote controlled Star Wars toys..

Toy Soldiers: Robotics company best known for building remote controlled Star Wars toys announces new spinoff to develop robots and AI for the military and police

Sphero, a toy robot company, has launched a spinoff to focus on police tech

Called Company Six, the new company will also build lightweight robotics and AI tools for the military, EMTs, fire departments, and other first responders

Sphero was best known for its Star Wars toys but its licensing deal ended in 2018


PUBLISHED: 00:24 BST, 22 May 2020 | UPDATED: 06:25 BST, 22 May 2020


스타워즈 장난감 제작 로봇 회사, 군과 경찰용 AI로봇 제작 착수

     아이들을 위해 간단하고 프로그램 가능한 로봇을 만드는 것으로 유명한 장난감 제조업체인 스페로(Sphero)는 법 집행 기관, 응급구조원, 그리고 다른 정부 기관을 위한 AI와 로봇 기술을 개발하는 새로운 분사사업을 시작했다.

이 새로운 법인은 CO6라고 불리며, Sphero가 공공 안전 부서를 통해 이전에 개발한 기술을 기반으로 할 것이다.

이 회사는 고객이나 신규 프로젝트를 발표하지는 않았지만 '경찰, 소방, EMT, 군사 등 우리가 가장 의존하는 사람들에게 비판적인 인식을 제공하는 가볍고, 고도로 발전된 로봇 솔루션'에 촛점을 맞출 것을 약속하고 있다.

이전에 미 공군에서 근무했던 스페로의 폴 버베리안이 CEO에서 물러나 양사 회장직을 새로 맡게 될 것이라고 CNet의 한 보고서가 밝혔습니다.

"이것은 더 많은 사람들, 우리의 미래 지도자들, 그리고 때로는 필수적이고 때로는 위험한 직무 기능을 가진 사람들의 삶을 개선하기 위해 혁신적인 로봇 기술을 계속해서 새로운 시장에 도입할 수 있는 기회이다."라고 그는 준비된 성명서에서 말했다.

스페로는 이 회사가 2010년에 설립된 이후 4백만 대 이상의 로봇을 팔았다고 말한다.

이 회사의 가장 유명한 제품은 스타워즈의 BB-8과 R2-D2의 원격 제어 완구 버전이었는데, 이 제품은 2018년에 만료된 디즈니와의 라이선스 계약의 일환으로 개발되었다.

이 회사는 또한 스마트폰 앱을 통해 제어할 수 있는 프로그램 가능한 RVR이라는 장난감 자동차를 만들고 있다.

via youtube

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

Sphero, a toy manufacturer known for making simple, programmable robots for kids, has launched a new spinoff business to develop AI and robotics for law enforcement, first responders, and other government agencies.

The new entity is called Company Six (CO6) and will build on technology Sphero had previously developed through its Public Safety Division.

The company hasn't announced any clients or new projects, but promises to focus on 'lightweight, yet highly advanced robotic solution that provides critical awareness for those we depend on the most, including police, fire, EMT, military, and others with dangerous jobs.'


Company Six is a new spinoff from toy robotics manufacturer Sphero that will build custom robotics and AI for police, military, EMTs, fire departments, and more

Sphero's Paul Berberian, who previously served in the US Air Force, will step down from his role as CEO and take a new title as Chairman of both companies, according to a report in CNet.

'This is an opportunity to continue to bring revolutionary robotics technology to new markets to improve the lives of more people, our future leaders, and people with essential and sometimes dangerous job functions,' he said in a prepared statement.

Sphero says the company has sold more than four million robots since it was founded in 2010.

The company's most famous product were remote controlled toy versions of BB-8 and R2-D2 from Star Wars, which it developed as part of a licensing agreement with Disney that expired in 2018.

The company also makes a programmable toy car called RVR, which can be controlled through a smartphone app.


Sphero is best know for making remote controlled versions of R2-D2 and BB-8 from Star Wars, but the company's licensing agreement expired in 2018

Sphero also makes a programmable remote controlled car called RVR, which can be controlled by a smartphone and can be custom programmed through Raspberry Pis and other simple computer interfaces


Company Six hasn't announced any clients of projects but says it will focus on making 'lightweight, yet highly advanced robotic solution that provides critical awareness for those we depend on the most, including police, fire, EMT, military, and others with dangerous jobs'

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