런던 인구 17%, 이미 코로나바이러스 감염 후 회복 VIDEO: Britain's COVID divide: 17% of people in London have ALREADY had coronavirus - but just 5% in rest of UK

Britain's COVID divide: 17% of people in London have ALREADY had coronavirus - but just 5% in rest of UK - where the mortality rate is still TWICE as high as the capital and one in 12 of all infections ends up in hospital

Health Secretary Matt Hancock today said antibody tests show 17 per cent of Londoners have been infected

He said the rate for the rest of the UK was around five per cent - equal to about 2.85million people 

This suggests the death rate is considerably lower in London than it is elsewhere in the UK 

Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19


PUBLISHED: 17:45 BST, 21 May 2020 | UPDATED: 21:39 BST, 21 May 2020


런던 인구 17%, 이미 코로나바이러스 감염 후 회복

런던 일부 지역에서 최악의 사망률 기록하기도

   런던 시민의 17%인 거의 5명 중 1명이 이미 코로나 바이러스에 감염되었으며 이는 153만명이 감염되었다가 회복된 것을 의미한다.

맷 핸콕 보건장관은 인구 표본 중 항체에 대한 검사를 통해 정부가 얼마나 많은 사람들이 이미 이 병에 걸렸는지 처음으로 밝혀냈다고 발표했다.

한편, 영국의 나머지 지역의 감염 비율은 약 5%로 나타났으며 이는 285만명에 해당한다고 말했다.

이것은 런던의 사망률이 1.39%에 이르는 영국의 나머지 지역보다 약 0.62%  정도 더 낮다는 것을 암시한다.

한 전문가는 이것이 런던 사람들의 평균 나이가 더 젊고 COVID-19가 노인들에게 더 치명적인 것으로 알려져 있기 때문일 수 있다고 말했다.

이 데이터는 Public Health England가 진행 중인 감시 조사의 일환으로 4월 말과 5월 초에 수행한 1,000개의 테스트를 기반으로 하고 있다.

이는 통계청이 오늘 발표한 별도의 자료에 따르면 인구의 0.25%가 현재 COVID-19 환자로 추정된 후 나온 것이다. 

또한 영국에서는 일주일에 6만1천명으로 추정되는 사람들이 여전히 코로나 바이러스에 감염되고 있다는 것을 보여주었다. 이는 매일 평균 8,700명이 감염되고 있다는 수치다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

Almost one in five people in London - 17 per cent - have already had the coronavirus, according to surveillance testing, meaning that around 1.53million people have been infected with the virus and recovered.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced testing for antibodies among a sample of the population has given the government the first indications of how many people have caught the disease already.

Meanwhile the rate across the rest of the UK appeared to be around five per cent, he said, which would equal 2.85million people.

This suggests that the death rate in London is considerably lower - around 0.62 per cent - than it is in the rest of the UK around it, where it appears to be closer to 1.39 per cent.

One expert suggested this could be because the average age of people in London is younger and COVID-19 is known to be more deadly for the elderly. And they claimed the price of land may mean there are fewer care homes, which have been ravaged by the coronavirus since the crisis began to spiral out of control in March.

The data is based on 1,000 tests done in late April and early May by Public Health England as part of its ongoing surveillance survey.

It comes after separate data from the Office for National Statistics today estimated that 0.25 per cent of the population is currently ill with COVID-19. It also showed that an estimated 61,000 people per week are still catching the coronavirus in England - an average of 8,700 each day.

The number of new cases being diagnosed in all regions of England has been falling throughout May, with London now declaring fewer than 100 each day for a fortnight. The numbers for the most recent days will rise substantially in the coming days as more test results are confirmed

This suggests one in 12 people who catch the virus end up in hospitals - 697 people were admitted to hospital yesterday (eight per cent of 8,700) and that number has remained relatively flat for the past week.

The announcement comes as promising figures showed two weeks have now passed since London diagnosed more than 100 COVID-19 cases in a day, while 2,615 more cases were announced across Britain today - taking the official number of patients infected past 250,000.

And Department of Health figures revealed a further 338 people have died, meaning the official death count is 36,042. But this data only takes into account patients who have tested positive - not the thousands of victims who weren't even swabbed.

Mr Hancock also announced in this afternoon's Downing Street briefing that NHS and social care staff would next week start to get antibody tests for coronavirus, to check whether they have already had the virus in the past and may have developed some form of immunity.

The Health Secretary announced the Government has bought 10million of Public Health England-approved tests from Swiss pharmaceutical firm Roche and diagnostics giant Abbott, and would start by handing them out to NHS staff and carers.

The total death toll for the UK yesterday (363) was the lowest mid-week number for almost two months, since March 25 - the week lockdown began. Experts say almost a third of hospitals have not reported COVID-19 deaths for two days or more

Officials are also trialing a diagnostic swab test which can reportedly produce accurate results in 20 minutes, which they hope will speed up the process of diagnosing people - a process that can currently take days. The test, made by the company OptiGene, is being trialed in hospitals, GP surgeries and care homes in Hampshire.

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Coronavirus: the worst death rate in one of London’s poorest boroughs - BBC News 

