우주복 같은 코로나바이러스용 첨단 마스크 출시 VIDEO: Spaceman-style helmet with air filters to catch coronavirus will begin shipping next month with a price tag of £140
Would you wear this on the subway? Spaceman-style helmet with air filters to catch coronavirus will begin shipping next month with a price tag of £140
BioVYZR 1.0 is fitted with motor-powered fans to help keep the air inside clean
High tech mask has hit assembly lines and is due for first deliveries this month
Face masks are only recommended in the UK in certain settings such as the tube
However, in other countries they have been made mandatory in all situations
Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19
PUBLISHED: 14:39 BST, 19 May 2020 | UPDATED: 17:47 BST, 19 May 2020
우주복 같은 코로나바이러스용 첨단 마스크 출시 일상적인 출퇴근보다 우주여행에 더 잘 어울릴 법한 코로나바이러스 페이스마스크가 이달 말부터 고객들에게 배송을 시작한다. BioVYZR 1.0에는 필터로 공기를 밀어내 유해 병원균을 제거하는 모터 구동식 팬과 사용자가 얼굴을 만지고 감염을 전달하는 것을 멈추게 하는 대형 바이저가 장착되어 있다. 캐나다의 스타트업 VYZR 기술에 의해 만들어졌으며, 지금까지 크라우드 펀딩 플랫폼 인디고고를 통해 의사, 간호사, 치과의사 등 서포터즈로부터 204,000파운드가 넘는 투자를 받았다. 일반 세일할 때 가격은 141파운드(한화 약 20만원) 정도 될 것으로 예상된다. 이것은 표준 마스크가 코로나바이러스로부터 적절한 보호를 제공하지 못할 수도 있다는 설왕설래 말들이 있는 가운데 나온 것이다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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A coronavirus face mask that looks better suited to space travel than the daily commute will begin shipping to customers at the end of this month.
The BioVYZR 1.0 is fitted with a motor-powered fan that pushes air through filters, removing harmful pathogens, and a large visor to stop users touching their faces and transmitting the infection.
It was created by Canadian start-up VYZR technologies, and has so far received more than £204,000 investment from supporters including doctors, nurses and dentists through crowdfunding platform Indiegogo.
The high tech mask hit the assembly lines last month. It is expected to cost around £141 when it goes on general sale.
It comes amid rampant speculation that standard face masks may not offer adequate protection from the coronavirus.
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