뉴질랜드 양떼 목동으로 변신한 보스턴 다이내믹스 로봇 Video: Paw patrol! Footage shows Boston Dynamics' robot dog Spot herding sheep on a farm in New Zealand

Paw patrol! Footage shows Boston Dynamics' robot dog Spot herding sheep on a farm in New Zealand

Spot gathered together the unruly farm animals with the help of two sheepdogs

Robot can reach speeds of up to 3mph and costs less than £30,000 to lease

Video also shows the robot marching through an orchard and navigating a slope 


PUBLISHED: 12:09 BST, 20 May 2020 | UPDATED: 12:35 BST, 20 May 2020


양떼 목동으로 변신한 보스턴 다이내믹스 스팟

   이 장면은 뉴질랜드의 한 농장에서 로봇 강아지가 다루기 힘든 양들을 모는데 쇠발톱을 사용하는 순간이다.

두 마리의 생물학적 개들의 도움으로 양떼들을 들판으로 밀어내기 전에 스팟은 함께 모였다.

보도에 따르면 보스턴 다이내믹스가 개발한 이 로봇은 최대 4.2km/h의 속도에 도달할 수 있으며 임대 비용이 약 45백만원으로 차 한대 비용보다 적게 든다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

This is the moment a robotic dog tries its metal paws at herding unruly sheep on a farm in New Zealand.

Spot gathered together the animals before pushing them through the field, with the help of two biological sheepdogs.

Developed by Boston Dynamics, it can reach speeds of up to 3mph and costs less than a car, which average £30,000, to lease, according to reports.

It has been heralded as the future of farming.

Spot gathered up the sheep in New Zealand with the help of two sheepdogs (pictured above)

The robot was seen helping the dogs to keep the sheep together. It appeared they were preparing to move them between fields

The clip, which could offer a glimpse into the future of livestock care, also shows the robot marching through an orchard, along a road and navigating its way down a grassy verge. 

'The use of autonomous robots in agriculture is increasing the efficiency of food production,' said Rocos, which published the clip.

'Robots, like Spot from Boston Dynamics, increase accuracy in yield estimates, relieve the strain of worker shortages and create precision in farming.'

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