흑인, 백인보다 코로나바이러스 사망 확률 4배 더 높아 VIDEO: Black people are FOUR TIMES more likely to die from coronavirus than white people, figures show

Black people are FOUR TIMES more likely to die from coronavirus than white people, figures show

ABC News

Statisticians analysed all COVID-19 fatalities between March 2 and April 10

Data showed the risk of dying was much higher among some ethnic groups

It comes amid a Number 10 probe into the risks for British BAME communities

Several studies have shown minority ethnic Brits are at higher risk of dying 

It has prompted calls for BAME NHS workers to be removed from the frontline 

Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19


PUBLISHED: 10:11 BST, 7 May 2020 | UPDATED: 10:52 BST, 7 May 2020


흑인, 백인보다 코로나바이러스 사망 확률 4배 더 높아 

   오늘 발표된 수치들에 따르면 흑인들은 백인에 비해 코로나바이러스에 의해 사망할 확률이 4배 더 높은 것으로 나타났다.

통계학자들은 3월 2일과 4월 10일 사이에 영국과 웨일즈에서 발생한 모든 COVID-19 관련 사망자의 수를 분석했다.

데이터는 코로나바이러스로 인한 사망 위험이 백인들에 비해 일부 인종 집단들 사이에서 '약간' 더 높다는 것을 보여주었다.

영국과 웨일스의 흑인 남성은 4.2배, 흑인 여성은 4.3배로 더 나이가 든 후 바이러스에 감염된 후 사망할 가능성이 높았다.

이 차이는 부분적으로 사회경제적 불이익에 기인한다고 이 자료를 수집한 통계청이 말했다.

하지만 그 이유들 중 일부는 여전히 '설명할 수 없는 것'으로 남아 있다.

이번 연구결과는 COVID-19가 흑인과 소수 민족인 영국인들에게 미치는 불균형한 영향에 대한 10번 조사가 시급한 가운데 나온 것이다.

일련의 걱정스러운 연구들은 BAME 커뮤니티의 코로나바이러스 사망 위험이 몇 배 더 높다는 것을 보여주었다.

그것은 흑인과 소수 민족 국민건강보험 노동자들이 코로나바이러스에 더 취약하다는 우려에 대해 전선에서 퇴출되어야 한다는 요구를 촉발시켰다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

Black people are four times more likely to die from coronavirus than white people, according to figures released today.


Government statisticians analysed the number of all COVID-19-related fatalities in England and Wales between March 2 and April 10. Data showed the risk of dying from the coronavirus was 'significantly' higher among some ethnic groups compared to white people

Government statisticians analysed the number of all COVID-19-related fatalities in England and Wales between March 2 and April 10.

Data showed the risk of dying from the coronavirus was 'significantly' higher among some ethnic groups compared to white people.

Black males in England and Wales are 4.2 times more likely, while black women are 4.3 times more likely to die after contracting the virus, after accounting for age. 

Dr Craig Wakeham (pictured), a GP from Dorset, is believed to the only doctor who has died and is not from the Black, Asian and ethnic minority community

The difference is partly due to socio-economic disadvantage, said the Office for National Statistics, who collected the data.

But some of the reasons remain 'unexplained'. 

The findings come amid an urgent Number 10 investigation into the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on black and minority ethnic Britons.  

A series of worrying studies have shown the risk of dying from coronavirus for BAME communities is several times higher. 

It has prompted calls for black and minority ethnic NHS workers to be removed from the frontline over concerns they are more vulnerable to coronavirus. 

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