미 상원의원, 김정은 사망에 무게 'I'd be shocked if he's not dead': Senator Lindsey Graham adds weight to rumours that North Korean despot Kim Jong-un is 'dead or incapacitated'

'I'd be shocked if he's not dead': Senator Lindsey Graham adds weight to rumours that North Korean despot Kim Jong-un is 'dead or incapacitated'

A top Hong Kong television director has claimed a 'very solid source' has told her that Kim Jong Un is dead. He was last seen in public on April 11 at a meeting of the Workers’ Party committee of policymakers in Pyongyang

Senator Graham was reported as a powerful foreign policy adviser last year

He has made regular comments on health of North Korea's regime to US media

Hong Kong and Japanese media outlets claim Kim Jong Un is dead or gravely ill 

Satellite images show his private train at Wonsan holiday home in recent days

A delegation of Chinese doctors have been dispatched to North Korea   

On Thursday, Trump downplayed earlier reports that Kim was gravely ill

Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19


PUBLISHED: 09:29 BST, 26 April 2020 | UPDATED: 11:30 BST, 26 April 2020


미 상원의원, 김정은 사망에 무게

   린지 그레이엄 미국 상원의원은 북한 폭군이 '죽거나 무력화'됐더라도 '충격받지 않을 것'이라며 김정은이 사망했다는 보도에 무게를 실었다.

그는 북한이 그 지도자의 죽음에 대해 '그것이 알고 싶다'고 말하는 것과 같이 엄격하게 통제된 상태에서 말했다.

사우스캐롤라이나 주지사는 미국 관영매체에 북한에 대해 정례적으로 언급했고, 지난해에는 트럼프 행정부의 강력한 외교정책 고문으로 보도되기도 했다.

도미니크 라브 영국 외무장관은 오늘 아침 상황을 면밀히 주시하고 있다고 말했다. 그는 일요일 소피 리지와의 인터뷰에서 '나는 국제 언론 보도를 본 적이 있다'고 말했다. '그러나 우리는 아직 그 보도에 대해 어떠한 검증된 상태도 가지고 있지 않지만 분명히 그 보도를 매우 주의 깊게 따르고 있다.'

그들의 말은 아시아 언론이 독재자가 죽었다고 보도하거나 심각하게 아프다고 보도하면서 독재자의 건강에 대한 소문이 고조되고 있는 가운데 나온 것이다.

북한 관영매체에 따르면 김 위원장은 지난 4월 11일 노동당 정책위원회 회의를 주재한 이후 공개석상에 모습을 드러내지 않고 있다.

홍콩 위성방송(HKTVTV)의 시지안 싱조우 부국장은 '매우 확실한 소식통'이 김정은(36)이 이미 사망했다고 말했다고 전했다.

그녀는 중국 소셜 미디어 웨이보에 1,500만 명의 팔로워를 보유하고 있으며, 또한 중국의 외교 장관 중 한 명의 조카딸이기도 하다.

이와는 별도로 일본의 한 매체는 김씨가 이달 초 심장수술을 받은 뒤 '식물인간 상태'라고 주장해왔다.

뉴스 웹사이트 38노스에 따르면, 이 독재자의 250미터 길이의 열차는 최근 4월 23일 위성사진을 통해 원산휴양단지 근처에서 목격되었다고 한다.

김씨 일가를 위해 마련된 역에 주차돼 있었다. 웹사이트는 비록 독재자의 행방이 묘연하지만, 열차 위치는 그가 그 휴양지를 방문했음을 암시한다고 말했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

US Senator Lindsey Graham has weighed in on reports Kim Jong Un has died, saying he would not be 'shocked' if the North Korean despot was 'dead or incapacitated'.

He said in such a tightly controlled state as North Korea rumours about the leader's death would not be allowed to go 'unanswered'.

Senator Lindsey Graham has previously commented on North Korea to the US media. He has been cited as a powerful foreign policy adviser to the Trump administration

The South Carolina representative has made regular comments on North Korea to US state media and, last year, was reported as a powerful foreign policy adviser to the Trump administration.

UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said this morning he is monitoring the situation closely. 'I have seen the international media reports,' he told Sophy Ridge on Sunday, 'but we don't have any verified state of play on that yet but obviously we are following very carefully those reports'. 

Their words come amid mounting rumours about the health of the dictator as Asian media report he has died or is 'gravely ill'.

Kim has not been seen publicly since April 11, when he led a meeting of the ruling Workers' Party committee of policymakers according to North Korean state media.

The vice director of Hong Kong Satellite Television (HKSTV) Shijian Xingzou has said a 'very solid source' has told her Kim Jong Un, 36, is already dead. 

She has 15 million followers on Chinese social media Weibo, and is also the niece of one of the country's foreign ministers.

However, a 250-metre-long train belonging to the dictator has been spotted near to his Wonsan holiday compound as recently as Thursday in satellite photos 


Satellite images of Wonsan Elite railway station show the leader's train arriving after April 15, and was still at the station on April 23

Separately, a Japanese media outlet has claimed Kim is in a 'vegetative state' after he underwent heart surgery earlier in the month.

The dictator's 250-metre-long train has been seen near his Wonsan holiday complex on satellite images as recently as April 23, according to news website 38North.

It was parked at a station reserved for the Kim family. The website said although the dictator's whereabouts remain unknown, the trains position suggests he has visited the resort. 

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