영국, 코로나 통계 조작한 '중국' 집계 목록에서 제외시켜 UK government REMOVES China from its official coronavirus death toll comparison amid global outrage

UK government REMOVES China from its official coronavirus death toll comparison amid global outrage at Beijing's 'cover-up' and disbelief that the country has only had 4,636 deaths


Downing Street has removed China from its official coronavirus death toll

It is a snub to Beijing amid widespread anger at the nation's apparent cover-up 

China currently claims to have had 83,901 cases of Covid-19, and 4,636 deaths

The people of Wuhan believe the death toll in their city is 42,000 - not 3,182

Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19


PUBLISHED: 16:11 BST, 25 April 2020 | UPDATED: 20:20 BST, 25 April 2020


영국, 코로나 통계 조작한 '중국' 집계 목록에서 제외시켜 

우한 시민들, 4만 2천 명 사망 주장

 다우닝가에서는 중국이 코로나바이러스 발생의 심각성을 명백히 은폐한 것에 대한 분노가 확산된 가운데 베이징에 코로나바이러스의 확산을 비교하기 위해 사용하는 다른 국가 목록에서 중국을 삭제했다.

세계보건기구(WHO)가 중국과 결탁해 코로나바이러스(Coronavirus) 발병을 축소했다는 도널드 트럼프 대통령의 비난과 4636명의 사망자를 낸 중국의 주장에 대한 전 세계적인 불신감이 겹친 중국을 향한 또 다른 외교적 공격이다.

우한 사람들은 발생 근원지이었던 그들의 도시의 사망자 수가 4만 2천 명이라고 믿는다. 이것은 중국이 주장한 3,182명이 아니다.

미국에서는 시 주석 정부가 공산 정권의 체면을 구기는 동안 COVID-19가 전세계로 확산되도록 방치한 것을 비난하며 베이징에 대한 공세를 강화하고 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

edited by kcontents

Downing Street has removed China from the list of other countries it uses to compare the spread of the coronavirus - in a snub to Beijing amid widespread anger at the nation's apparent cover-up of the seriousness of its coronavirus outbreak. 

In the graph shared on Friday (pictured), China had been removed from the graph that showed the number of deaths in different countries around the world from the coronavirus

It is another diplomatic attack on China in the wake of Donald Trump's accusations that the World Health Organisation (WHO) colluded with Beijing to downplay its coronavirus outbreak, and global disbelief over China's claim to have only 4,636 dead from the virus. 

The people of Wuhan believe  the death toll in their city that was the epicentre of the outbreak is 42,000 - not the 3,182 claimed by China. 

In America, the Trump administration is ramping up its attacks on Beijing - blaming President Xi's government for letting COVID-19 spread across the globe unchecked while the Communist regime saved face.  

The WHO and its Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus (left, pictured meeting with Xi Jinping in January) has faced accusations that the organisation is 'China-centric' and has been too quick to praise the regime's coronavirus response

Trump is backed by large numbers of Republican politicians amid claims from the US intelligence community that the virus escaped from a lab near Wuhan in an accident involving an intern.

Trump has suspended $500million in US funding for the WHO after claiming it had 'accelerated' the deadly contagion because chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus initially swallowed China's claims that coronavirus was not transmissible between humans.  

There is also global outrage at Chinese officials for waiting six days to warn the public after becoming aware that a viral outbreak was causing a rash of deadly pneumonia cases in Wuhan. 

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