최다 코로나 확진 사망국 이탈리아 스페인, 진정세 보이기 시작 Italy reports the lowest coronavirus death toll in three weeks ㅣ 'Non-essential' workers in Spain go back to work TODAY

Italy reports the lowest coronavirus death toll in three weeks at 431 continuing hope that Europe's deadliest outbreak to date has peaked

The 431 new deaths reported by the civil protection service were the lowest since March 19. Pictured: A patient in Bologna

The 431 deaths reported by civil protection service were lowest since March 19

Italy's death total now stands at 19,899, officially second behind United States

People currently showing Covid-19 symptoms is still growing, rising to 156,363

Learn more about how to help people impacted by COVID


PUBLISHED: 17:53 BST, 12 April 2020 | UPDATED: 20:38 BST, 12 April 2020


이탈리아, 3주 만 최저치 기록

  이탈리아는 유럽 최악의 피해를 입은 국가인 코로나바이러스의 발병률이 최고조에 달했음에도 3주 만에 가장 낮은 코로나바이러스 사망자 수를 발표했다.

시민보호청이 신고한 431명의 신규 사망자는 3월 19일 이후 가장 적었다.

사망자는 현재 19,899명으로 공식적으로 미국에 이어 두 번째다.

edited by kcontents

Italy has reported its lowest coronavirus death toll in more than three weeks, confirming trends showing the outbreak in Europe's worst-hit nation had peaked.

The 431 new deaths reported by the civil protection service were the lowest since March 19.

The country's death total now stands at 19,899, officially second behind the United States.


The number of people currently showing Covid-19 symptoms is still growing, officially rising to 156,363.

But the number of people receiving emergency care is dropping, the data showed. The number of people in non-critical hospital care is also down.

Civil protection service chief Angelo Borrelli said: 'The pressure on our hospitals continues to ease.'

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'Non-essential' workers in Spain go back to work TODAY after two-week lockdown – as country's death toll rises 619 in a day to 16,972

A plane carrying medical equipment to cope with the coronavirus outbreak in the Valencian region, is unloaded at the Manrises airport in Valencia

The latest figures announced by the Ministry of Health dent a pattern of decline 

Comes as millions of non-essential workers prepare to return to work Monday

The Spanish Government paralysed the 'non-essential' sectors for a fortnight 

Learn more about how to help people impacted by COVID


PUBLISHED: 11:31 BST, 12 April 2020 | UPDATED: 23:54 BST, 12 April 2020


스페인,코로나 진정세로 근로자들 업무 복귀

  스페인 코로나바이러스 사망자 수가 토요일 619명이 증가한 1만6972명을 기록함에 따라 스페인에서 근로자들이 오늘 업무에 복귀한다.

보건부가 일요일에 발표한 최근의 수치는 일일 사망률의 하향 추세를 뒷받침한다.

토요일 총 16,353명의 사망자가 추가로 510명으로 3월 23일 이후 가장 낮은 일일 상승률을 기록했다.

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'Non-essential' workers in Spain will go back to work today as the country's coronavirus death toll hit 16,972, an increase of 619 on Saturday.

The latest figures, announced by the Ministry of Heath on Sunday, bucks the downward trend in daily death rates.

Saturday's total of 16,353 saw a further 510 deaths - marking the lowest daily rise since March 23.

Yet the country on Sunday reported its lowest daily growth in confirmed coronavirus infections in three weeks.

Spain 's death toll from coronavirus rose to 16,972 overnight, an increase of 619 on the previous day (pictured: medical staff disinfect an ambulance in Madrid)

Health authorities confirmed a further 4,167 new cases over the 24 hours, bringing the total to 166,019, second only to the US.

The figures were released on Sunday morning amid strict instructions for the millions of workers involved in non-essential industry and construction activities to return to work on Monday and Tuesday as their two-week ban is lifted.

The Spanish Government paralysed the 'non-essential' sectors for a fortnight from March 30 until April 9. 

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