결합 쌍둥이 분리한 세계적 소아신경외과 의사 코로나 사망 VIDEO: World-renowned NYC pediatric neurosurgeon, 73 l 스페인, 하루사이 849명 사망 9,222명 확진자 발생..최고치 기록 Spain sees its highest number of dea..

World-renowned NYC pediatric neurosurgeon, 73, who separated conjoined twins dies from coronavirus

Dr. James T. Goodrich, 73, (pictured) died on Monday after complications related to Covid-19, the hospital where he worked announced

Dr. James T. Goodrich died on Monday after complications related to Covid-19

He separated twins Jadon and Anais McDonald three years ago in a NY hospital

Montefiore Medical Center described Goodrich as a 'humble and caring man'

Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you see a doctor?


PUBLISHED: 10:38 BST, 31 March 2020 | UPDATED: 12:11 BST, 31 March 2020


결합 쌍둥이 분리한 세계적 소아신경외과 의사 코로나 사망

   결합된 쌍둥이를 분리한 세계적인 NYC 소아신경외과 의사가 코로나바이러스로 사망했다.

제임스 T 박사 굿리히(73)는 자신이 근무하던 병원에서 코비드-19와 관련된 합병증으로 월요일 사망했다.

그는 4년 전 뉴욕 몬테피오어 메디컬 센터의 어린이 병원에서 27시간의 수술로 쌍둥이 자돈과 아나이스 맥도날드를 분리했다.

병원 측은 굿리히를 '명예에 탐내지 않고 동료와 스태프들로부터 사랑을 받았던' '혼잡하고 진정으로 배려하는 의사'였다고 묘사했다.

또한 친절하고 그가 함께 일했던 간호사들에게 주기 위해 명절 동안 쿠키를 굽는 데 익숙한 숙련된 신경외과 의사라고 덧붙였다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

A world-renowned NYC pediatric neurosurgeon who separated conjoined twins has died from coronavirus. 

Dr. James T. Goodrich (left) separated twins Jadon and Anais McDonald (pictured with their mother Nicole) three years ago at The Children's Hospital at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City in a 27-hour surgery

Dr. James T. Goodrich, 73, died on Monday after complications related to Covid-19, the hospital where he worked announced. 

He separated twins Jadon and Anais McDonald four years ago at The Children's Hospital at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City in a 27-hour surgery. 

The hospital has described Goodrich as a 'humble and truly caring man' who 'did not crave the limelight and was beloved by his colleagues and staff.' 

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Spain sees its highest number of deaths and new coronavirus infections yet: 849 people die and cases rise 9,222 in one day

Spain has suffered its worst day of the coronavirus pandemic so far - as deaths and new infections both rose by record amounts overnight (pictured, a temporary hospital in Madrid)

Spain's death toll increased from 7,340 to 8,189 between Monday and Tuesday, a record rise of 849 deaths 

The country also recorded 9,222 new cases of the virus, another record raising the total from 85,195 to 94,417 

Five of Spain's 17 regions have now hit their ICU capacity, with another three close to the limit, officials warn 

A temporary hospital inside a conference centre in hardest-hit city of Madrid has started admitting patients 

Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you see a doctor?


PUBLISHED: 10:59 BST, 31 March 2020 | UPDATED: 12:57 BST, 31 March 2020


스페인, 하루사이  849명 사망 9,222명  확진자 발생... 최고치 기록

  스페인은 새로운 사망자와 사례의 수가 기록적인 양으로 증가함에 따라 코로나바이러스 발병 이후 가장 어두운 날을 보냈다.

월요일과 화요일 사이에 849명이 새로 사망했으며 이는 전날 최악의 날이었던 일요일의 838명보다 많은 7,340명에서 8,189명으로 집계되었다.

한편 확진 건수는 9,222건 증가해 총 85,195건에서 94,417건으로 집계됐다. 이 수치는 지난 주 수요일과 목요일 사이에 기록된 대략 8,200건의 사건보다 많은 것이다.

스페인은 이미 이탈리아와 미국이 중국의 전체 감염자 수를 앞지른 이후 세 번째 국가가 되었다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

Spain has suffered its darkest day yet of the coronavirus outbreak as the number of new deaths and cases both rose by record amounts.

Spain registered 849 new coronavirus infections between Monday and Tuesday, the largest one-day increase of the pandemic so far. The death total rose from 7,340 to 8,189

The number of new cases registered in 24 hours also hit a new high Tuesday at 9,222. Spain's total number of infections rose from 85,195 to 94,417

The country registered 849 new deaths between Monday and Tuesday, taking its total from 7,340 to 8,189 - higher than the 838 it suffered overnight Sunday, which was its previous worst day.

Meanwhile the number of confirmed cases rose by 9,222, taking the total from 85,195 to 94,417. That figure tops the roughly 8,200 cases the country logged between Wednesday and Thursday last week. 

Medics help a sick woman from a wheelchair and on to a bed at a temporary hospital set up for coronavirus patients in Madrid, which has been hardest-hit by the virus

The rise in cases marks a 10.8 per cent increase, putting an end to several days of falling rates and crushing hopes that an end to the contagion might be in sight. 

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