중국회사, 코로나바이러스 죽이는 4만 달러 짜리 병원로봇 공개 VIDEO: Chinese company unveils $40,000 hospital robot that uses a combination of UV light and liquid disinfectant spray to kill coronavirus pathogens

Chinese company unveils $40,000 hospital robot that uses a combination of UV light and liquid disinfectant spray to kill coronavirus pathogens


The disinfecting droid was designed by Shanghai-based Keenon Robotics 

The firm has previously released various food delivery and advertising robots

Their new design sports four groups of ultraviolet germ-killing lamps on its body

It head has five atomising disinfectant spraying nozzles that do not leave residue

The firm had previously adapted their T1 delivery robot to spray disinfectant 

Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you see a doctor?


PUBLISHED: 14:06 GMT, 27 March 2020 | UPDATED: 16:45 GMT, 27 March 2020


코로나바이러스 죽이는 4만 달러 짜리 병원로봇

   한 중국회사가 자외선과 액체 소독제 스프레이를 결합해 코로나바이러스 병원균을 죽이는 4만 달러 짜리 병원로봇을 공개했다.

완전 자동화된 이 로봇은 단파 자외선 세균 킬링 램프 4개와 상단에 노즐을 분사하는 5개의 원자성 소독액으로 구성되어 있다.

1.4미터 높이로 1500ml의 소독액을 운반할 수 있으며 완전 충전에 6시간이 걸린다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

A Chinese company has unveiled a $40,000 (£32,650) hospital robot that uses a combination of UV light and liquid disinfectant spray to kill coronavirus pathogens.

The fully-automated robot is armed with four groups of short-wave ultraviolet germ-killing lamps and five atomising disinfectant liquid spraying nozzles on its top.

Standing at 4.4 feet (1.4 metres) tall, the droid can carry 1500 millilitres of disinfectant liquid and takes six hours to fully charge.


A Chinese company has unveiled a $40,000 (£32,650) hospital robot, pictured, that uses a combination of UV light and liquid disinfectant spray to kill coronavirus pathogens

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Chinese company unveils $40,000 hospital robot disinfectants against oronavirus pathogens 


