미 하원, 대만 지지국 국제보호강화 구상법(TAIPEI법) 만장일치 통과 vVIDEO: US House unanimously passes TAIPEI Act
US House unanimously passes TAIPEI Act
Bill to to protect Taiwan against Chinese pressure campaign passes 415 to 0 in US House of Representatives
By Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday (March 4) unanimously passed the Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative Act (TAIPEI Act).
U.S. and Taiwan flags. (Taiwan Today image)
미 하원, 대만 지지국 국제보호강화 구상법(TAIPEI법) 만장일치 통과 미 하원은 수요일 (3월 4일) 대만 지지국 국제보호강화 구상법(TAIPEI법)을 만장일치로 통과시켰다. 개정된 TAIPEI 법은 415 대 0의 만장일치로 통과되었다고 CNA는 보도했다. 중국의 압력으로 대만 외교 동맹국들이 이 섬나라와의 관계를 끊지 못하도록 하려는 이 법안은 10월 30일 미 하원 외교위원회의 만장일치로 통과되었다. TAIPEI 법은 지난해 5월 코리 가드너(R-CO)와 크리스 쿤스(D-DE)에 의해 상원에 처음 도입됐으며 유타 존 커티스 공화당 하원의원도 10월 하원에서 비슷한 내용을 공개했다. 미국 입법절차에 따르면 도널드 트럼프 대통령이 법안으로 서명하기 전에 상원과 하원이 동일한 버전의 TAIPEI 법안의 통과를 조율해야 한다. 이 법안은 국무부가 대만의 우방인 정부들을 국가와 국교를 유지하도록 유도하고, 대만과의 관계 단절의 위험에 처한 정부들을 식별하도록 규정하고 있다. 이 법안은 또 미국이 대만을 지원하는 국가에서 외교적 입지를 보완하고 중국 편을 들면 외교적 관계를 줄일 것을 요구하고 있다. 이 법안은 국무장관이 대만과의 외교관계를 개선하거나 악화시키거나 단절시키느냐에 따라 미국의 원조를 확대, 축소 또는 중단할 수 있는 권한을 부여하게 된다. 그 후 초안은 회원국이든 옵서버든 대만의 국제기구 참여에 대한 미국의 지원을 증대시킬 것을 요구하고 있다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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The lightly revised TAIPEI Act was passed with a unanimous vote of 415 to zero, reported CNA. The bill, which aims to discourage Taiwan's diplomatic allies from cutting ties with the island country due to pressure from Beijing, had also been unanimously approved by the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee on Oct. 30.
The TAIPEI Act was first introduced in the Senate by Cory Gardner (R-CO) and Chris Coons (D-DE) last May, with Republican congressman from Utah John Curtis unveiling a similar version in the House in October. According to U.S. legislative procedure, the Senate and House must coordinate on passing identical versions of the TAIPEI Act before it can be signed into law by President Donald Trump.
The bill requires the State Department to induce governments that are allies of Taiwan to maintain diplomatic ties with the country and to identify those at risk of severing relations with it. The bill also calls for the U.S. to supplement its diplomatic presence in countries that support Taiwan and reduce its diplomatic footprint if they side with Beijing.
US to help Taiwan more on world stage - Taipei Times
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The bill would give the secretary of state the power to expand, reduce, or terminate U.S. aid to countries depending on whether they improve, worsen, or sever diplomatic relations with Taiwan. The draft law then calls for increased American support for Taiwan's participation in international organizations either as a member or observer.
In addition, legislation requires the U.S. president to provide weapons to Taiwan to meet "existing and likely future threats" from Communist China and to encourage the travel of high-level U.S. officials to Taiwan in line with the Taiwan Travel Act. It also calls on the president to advocate Taiwan's membership in all international organizations "in which statehood is not a requirement" and to grant Taiwan observer status in international organizations that do have that requirement.
An amendment originally added to the Senate version by Gardner and now included in the House version requires the U.S. to initiate bilateral trade negotiations with Taiwan with the goal of signing a free trade agreement (FTA) that is mutually beneficial, protects U.S. workers, and benefits U.S. exporters.
Speaking in support of the bill before its passage, Curtis said that the legislation accomplishes three important things: "First, it endorses a U.S.-Taiwan free trade agreement. Second, it supports Taiwan's membership in international institutions. And third, finally, this bill helps Taiwan maintain partners and allies around the world." Curtis said that the act would strengthen America's partnership with Taiwan and that it does so "without spending a single U.S. tax dollar."
China firmly opposes U.S. TAIPEI Act, urges proper handling of issue