2차대전 때 실종 3대의 미 전투기 태평양 해저에서 발견 Wreckage of lost American WWII planes finally fo
Wreckage of lost American WWII planes finally found, in a Pacific lagoon
Though the planes were submerged in a popular dive spot, they went undetected for decades.
Punched holes in a panel from an SBD-5 Dauntless dive bomber are visible in wreckage resting on the floor of Truk Lagoon near the main debris site. courtesy of Dr. Mark Moline)
2차대전 때 실종 3대의 미 전투기 태평양 해저에서 발견
이 비행기들은 인기 있는 다이빙 장소에 잠겼음에도 불구하고 수십 년 동안 발견되지 않았다.
태평양에서 미국이 결정적인 승리를 거두는 동안 격추된 세계 2차대전 전투기 3대가 수십 년 동안 실종되었다가 76년이 지난 지금 발견되었다.
복구작업으로 미크로네시아 연방의 일부인 추크 주 트루크 라군 해저 바닥에서 오랫동안 실종됐던 비행기 잔해들이 발견되었다.
복구 원정대 대표는 성명을 통해 1944년 2월 17일"작전 하일스톤"기간 동안 수백 대의 미국 항공기가 항공모함에서 발진돼 트루크 라군의 일본해군기지를 폭격했으며 이 기지는"태평양의 지브롤터"로 알려졌다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Hwang Ki Chul editor curator
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Three WWII aircraft that were shot down during a decisive U.S. victory in the Pacific Ocean were missing for decades. Now, 76 years later, they have been found.
A recovery operation discovered pieces of the long-lost planes at the bottom of Truk Lagoon in Chuuk State, part of the Federated States of Micronesia.
Hundreds of U.S. aircraft launched from carriers on Feb. 17, 1944, during "Operation Hailstone," pummeling a Japanese naval base in Truk Lagoon that was so well fortified it was known as "the Gibraltar of the Pacific," representatives of the recovery expedition said in a statement.
Japanese base at Dublon Island Truk in February 1944/wikipedia
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When the smoke from the two-day battle cleared, more than 250 Japanese aircraft and nearly 50 ships were destroyed. But 30 American aircraft were also lost, along with 23 aviators and crewmen. The three planes that were recovered went undetected until 2019, even though the spot is a popular destination for divers, according to the statement.
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