[CES 2020] 스마트 기저귀 VIDEO: New 'smart diaper' unveiled at CES 2020 alerts parents when their baby goes to...

New 'smart diaper' unveiled at CES 2020 alerts parents when their baby goes to the bathroom, monitors body temperature and urine content - and can even be used for seniors

Smardii is a new smart diaper (pictured above) that monitors urine, stool, body temperature, and movement

Developed by Smardi monitor is a small disk that can clip onto any diaper

It monitors for the presence of urine and stool, and tracks body temperature

The device connects to an app that gives caregivers access to live diaper data


PUBLISHED: 22:55 GMT, 10 January 2020 | UPDATED: 22:55 GMT, 10 January 2020


[CES 2020] 스마트 기저귀

  마이애미에 있는 스마르디라는 회사는 노인과 유아 모두를 청결하고 건조하게 유지하기 위해 소변과 대변의 존재를 감시할 새로운 스마트 기저귀를 개발하고 있다.

스마르디의 대표 제품은 퍽(puck)이라 부르는 작은 흰색 디스크로, 어떤 일회용 기저귀에도 부착할 수 있다.

이 센서는 기저귀가 더럽혀진 때를 감지할 뿐만 아니라 체온을 감시하고 소변 성분의 이상을 감지하며 사람이 움직인 지 얼마나 되었는지를 추적하여 통증의 예방에 도움을 줄 것이다.

스마디스의 창업자 비크람 메흐타는 이번 주 라스베이거스에서 열린 투자 비즈니스데일리와의 인터뷰에서 "일부 사람들은 그것이 재미있다고 생각할지 모르지만, 당신이 양로원에 가서 치료의 질을 볼 때, 그것은 매우 심각하다"고 말했다

노인요양에서 가장 흔한 문제 중 하나는 요실금이며, 60세 이상의 성인 중 약 50%가 이 질환으로 고통받고 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

A company in Miami called Smardii is developing a new smart diaper that will monitor for the presence of urine and stool to help keep both senior citizens and infants clean and dry.

Smardii’s flagship product is a small white disk called a ‘puck,’ which can be attached to any pair of disposable diapers.

The Smardii 'puck' (pictured above) can be attached to any kind of disposable diaper

The smart diaper will send data to a smartphone or tablet app that will give live access to the conditions inside the diaper

The Smardii app will let caregivers track as many as twelve patients, with readouts that show body temperature, time since last diaper change, as well as time since last major movement, which is helpful in preventing bed sores

The sensor will detect when the diaper has been soiled, as well as monitor body temperature, detect abnormalities in urine composition, and even help prevent bed sores by tracking how long its been since a person has moved.

‘Some may think it's funny, but when you go to a nursing home setting and look at the quality of care, it's very serious,’ Smardii founder Vikram Mehta told Investor’s Business Daily at CES 2020, in Las Vegas this week where the company was demonstrating its products. 

One of the most common day-to-day issues in elder care is incontinence, with an estimated 50 percent of adults over 60 suffering from the condition.

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