부드러운 컵으로 커피 마시면 맛 더 좋아져 Drinking coffee from a 'smooth' cup makes it tastes...


Drinking coffee from a 'smooth' cup makes it tastes better, scientists claim

By Daily Mail Reporter

Scientists in Brazil, world's biggest coffee producer, ran tests on expert drinkers
They found the 'haptic' or touching experience makes a big difference to coffee
Coffee is perceived as sweeter if consumed in a smoother cup, scientests say


부드러운 컵으로 커피 마시면 맛 더 좋아져


    커피를 좋아하는 사람들에게 논란이 될수 있는 주장.

전문가들은 당신이 음료수를 마시는 것이 그것의 맛에 영향을 끼친다고 말한다. 거친 컵은 쓴 여운을 남기는 반면 같은 커피는 더 부드러운 재질에서 더 달콤하다.

세계 최대의 커피 생산국인 브라질의 과학자들은 전문가들과 일반 음료수들을 대상으로 실험을 했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang editor curator
edited by kcontents

It's a claim which is bound to cause a stir among coffee lovers.

Experts say what you sip the drink from affects its flavour – with a rough cup leaving a bitter after-taste while the same coffee tastes sweeter from a smoother vessel.

Scientists in Brazil – the world's biggest coffee producer – ran tests involving experts and regular drinkers.

They found that the 'haptic' – or touching – experience of what people were drinking from made a big difference.

View full text
Drinking coffee from a 'smooth' cup makes it tastes better https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7829059/Drinking-coffee-smooth-cup-makes-tastes-better-scientists-claim.html?ito=native_share_article-masthead

