"부부라고 반드시 붙어서 자는 것 아니다" Separate beds could be the key to better health and a happier relationship, new survey suggests
Separate beds could be the key to better health and a happier relationship, new survey suggests
PUBLISHED: 23:13 GMT, 23 December 2019 | UPDATED: 23:13 GMT, 23 December 2019
Separate beds aren’t a sign of marital strife — they’re the key to better health and a happier relationship.
Or so suggests a survey, which showed that one in six couples has resorted to sleeping apart not because they can’t stand each other, but because they’re desperate for a decent night’s sleep.
Separate beds aren’t a sign of marital strife — they’re the key to better health and a happier relationship (stock image)
"부부라고 반드시 붙어서 자는 것 아니다" 부부의 트윈 침대는 싸움의 징후가 아니다. 더 나은 건강과 더 행복한 관계의 열쇠다. 또는 한 조사에 따르면, 6쌍 중 1쌍이 서로 참을 수 없어서가 아니라, 제대로 된 잠을 자려고 필사적인 것으로 나타났다. 한 당사자가 코고는 소리, 안절부절 못하거나 상대방이 몇 시간 전에 잠자리에 들었을 때 자정에 기어들어온다는 사실만으로도 부부들은 ‘수면 이혼’이라고 불렸던 것을 갈망하게 될 수 있다. 아마 놀랄 것도 없이, 그 보고서는 매트리스 회사에 의해 수행되었지만, 일부 전문가들은 그 결과에 동의한다. 그뿐만 아니라, 그들은 잠잘 때 동침을 하지말아야 하는 것을 권장해야 한다고 말한다. 닐 스탠리 박사는 35년 동안 수면 연구를 수행해 왔으며, 거의 오랫동안 그의 아내와 분리된 침대에서뿐만 아니라 다른 방에서 잠을 자고 있다. "나는 세계 최고의 따로 쓰는 침대 지지자다." 스탠리 박사가 말한다. 2005년, 그는 커플들이 잠을 잘 때 깨거나 움직임을 관찰하는 장치를 착용하는 연구를 공동 집필했다. 결과는 한 파트너가 휘저을 때 다른 파트너도 그랬다는 것을 보여주었다. "사실, 당신의 수면장애의 3분의 1은 당신의 파트너에 의해 야기된 것이다."라고 그가 말한다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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One party’s snoring, fidgeting, or simply the fact that they crawl in at midnight when the other person bedded down hours before, can leave couples craving what’s been emotively dubbed a ‘sleep divorce’.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the report was conducted by a mattress company — but some experts agree with its findings.
Not only that, they say breaking up a relationship at bedtime should be encouraged. Dr Neil Stanley has been conducting sleep research for 35 years — and sleeping not just in a separate bed, but in a different room, from his partner for almost as long. ‘I’m the world’s leading advocate of separate beds,’ says Dr Stanley.
In 2005, he co-authored a study in which couples wore a device as they slept that monitored waking and motion: the results showed that when one partner stirred, the other did, too. ‘In fact, a third of your sleep disturbance is caused by your partner,’ he says.
One in six couples has resorted to sleeping apart not because they can’t stand each other, but because they’re desperate for a decent night’s sleep (stock image)
The impact of this disturbance on your health, and the health of your relationship, can be huge.
A 2016 analysis of previous studies by Paracelsus Medical University in Germany showed that sleep issues and relationship problems tend to occur simultaneously.
Research also suggests those who sleep poorly have higher rates of divorce — and if a person sleeps badly, they lack empathy and are more argumentative. (Plus, just one bad night’s sleep makes you four times more likely to catch a cold, according to a 2015 study in the journal Sleep.)
‘Poor sleep affects your performance, relationships, increases your risk of accidents and, in the longterm, is associated with an increase in weight, type 2 diabetes and depression,’ adds Dr Stanley.
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