트럼프 탄핵의 이해 Trump’s impeachment may be just another battle in the US's civil war

Trump’s impeachment may be just another battle in the US's civil war

Trump will be wounded, seething, hellbent on revenge – and turn the weight of impeachment against his foes in 2020

David Smith in Washington

After Donald Trump’s inaugural address, George W Bush turned to Hillary Clinton and said: “Well, that was some weird shit,” the former secretary of state confirmed earlier this month.


트럼프 탄핵은 미국 내전에서의 또 다른 전투일 뿐

상원에서 공화당이 우세해 실제적으로 최종 탄핵은 불가능

    도널드 트럼프 대통령의 취임사가 끝난 후 조지 W 부시는 힐러리 클린턴에게 "정말 이상한 일이군"이라고 말했다.

이곳 워싱턴의 미국 의사당에서 그 추운 날 이후 거의 3년 동안 민주당원들은 트럼프가 자신의 펀치백처럼 미국을 이용하고 학대했다고 비난했다. 수요일에, 미국의 그 한 조각은 마침내 탄핵을 통해 반격했다.

탄핵은 당연히 대통령의 비판자들에게 만족감을 주는데, 마치 불량배가 코피를 흘리는 것을 보는 것처럼 말이다. 하지만 이제 괴롭힘이 멈출지, 아니면 트럼프가 괴롭힘으로 고통받을지 확신이 서지 않는다. 하원에 있는 공화당원들이 변명의 여지가 없는 사람들을 방어하기 위해 인간방패처럼 줄을 섰기 때문에, 그들의 상원 동료들이 다음 달에 그의 공직에서 물러나는 것을 막고 그를 석방하기 위해 똑같이 할 것이라는 데는 의심의 여지가 없었다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

For nearly three years since that chilly day here at the US Capitol in Washington, Democrats (and many others) have accused of Trump using and abusing the United States like his personal punchbag. On Wednesday, that slice of America finally punched back via impeachment.

There are 34 Senate seats up in 2020. Twenty-two are held by Republicans. To take control, Democrats will need a gain of three or four seats./latimes.com

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Impeachment naturally gives satisfaction to the president’s critics, like seeing a bully get a bloody nose. But it is now far from certain the bullying will stop or that Trump will even suffer for it. As Republicans in the House of Representatives lined up like human shields to defend the indefensible, there was no doubt their Senate colleagues will next month do the same to block his removal from office and acquit him.

While no crystal ball can truly foresee whether impeachment will help or hurt Trump in the 2020 presidential election, the House’s ultimate sanction may come to be seen simply as one more battle in America’s cold civil war. That would make it one of the most important yet least consequential votes in congressional history.

There are ample reasons for its importance. Trump’s mad-king conduct has been stress-testing American democracy since he was sworn in. The 2018 midterm elections began the course correction, giving Democrats the House majority. The House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, for so long reluctant to pull the impeachment trigger, did so after Trump pressured Ukraine for political favors.

“If we do not act now, we would be derelict in our duty,” Pelosi, wearing solemn black and a pin resembling the mace of the republic, told the chamber at noon. “He gave us no choice.”

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