2019년 세계 초고층 빌딩 완공 현황 2019 Breaks Record for Most Supertall Buildings Completed

2019 Breaks Record for Most Supertall Buildings Completed

The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) has released their yearly report on tall building completions for 2019.  On the year, supertall buildings of 300m (984 feet) broke the record for most completions, but tall buildings over 200m (656 feet) were down for the second straight year after 4 straight years of increases.   

Hudson Yards, New York City. photo by Epicgenius, CC BY-SA 4.0


2019년 세계 초고층 빌딩 완공 현황


   세계초고층건축도시연합(CTBUH)은 2019년 고층건물의 완공에 관한 연례 보고서를 발표했다. 올해 300m(984피트)의 초고층 빌딩이 대부분의 완공기록을 깼지만 200m(656피트)가 넘는 고층 빌딩 건설은 4년 연속 증가세를 이어가다 2년 연속 주춤했다.

300m 이상 초고층빌딩

모두 300m 이상 초고층 빌딩 26곳이 2019년 완공됐다. 이전 기록인 2018년에는 18개의 초고층 건물이 완공되었다. 현재 전세계에는 170개의 초고층 빌딩이 있다. 2000년에는 26개 밖에 없었다.

중국은 다시 한번 2019년에 초고층빌딩 리스트를 장악했는데, 이 26개 중 14개가 중국에서 완공되었다

200m 이상 초고층빌딩

보고서에 따르면, 200미터 이상의 건물 126개가 2019년에 완공되었는데, 이는 146개의 건물이 완공된 2018년에 비해 13.7% 약간 감소한 것이다. 중국은 2019년 총 57개를 건설했는데, 이는 2018년에 완공된 92개 건물보다 상당히 낮은 숫자다.

중동은 2018년 13개에서 2019년 11개로 줄었다. 대부분 아랍에미리트에서 건설된 것으로, 일년동안 9개의 초고층빌딩을 완공했다.

미국은 플로리다 마이애미에 있는 3개의 빌딩과 시카고, 보스턴, 오스틴에 각각 1개의 초고층 빌딩이 완공되었다. 뉴욕시는 올해 가장 높은 빌딩을 완공한 유일한 도시였다.

2019년 완공 10대 초고층 빌딩 

- 아래 리스트 참조 -

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

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Supertall Buildings (300+ Meters)

In total, 26 supertall buildings measuring 300 meters or above were completed in 2019. In 2018, which was the previous record holder, 18 supertall buildings were completed. There are currently 170 supertall buildings in existence worldwide.  In the year 2000, there were only 26. 

China, once again, dominated the supertall list in 2019, totaling 14 of the 26 completed. 


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Tall Buildings (200+ Meters)

126 buildings 200 meters or taller were completed in 2019, according to the report, which is slightly down 13.7% from 2018, which saw 146 completed. China built far and away the most tall buildings, totaling 57 in 2019, which was a considerable drop from the 92 buildings completed in 2018.

The United States came in second place again in 2019, totaling 14 tall building completions, up from last year’s total of 13. New York City, unsurprisingly led the way for the US, with 8 buildings 200m or taller. 

The Middle East dropped from 13 completions in 2018 to 11 in 2019.  The vast majority of those buildings came from the United Arab Emirates, which completed 9 tall buildings throughout the year.

The United States was rounded out by 3 tall buildings in Miami, Florida, and 1 each in Chicago, Boston, and Austin.  New York City was the only city to complete a supertall building this year and they had 4 of them.

Tianjin CTF Finance Centre, Tianjin, China/wikiwand

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10 Tallest Buildings Completed in 2019


1. Tianjin CTF Finance Centre, Tianjin, China: 1,739 feet

2. Lakhta Center, St. Petersburg, Russia: 1,516 feet

3. Suzhou IFS, Suzhou, China: 1,476 feet

4. The Exchange 106, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: 1,460 feet

5. Wuhan Center Tower, Wuhan, China: 1,437 feet

6. LCT The Sharp Landmark Tower, Busan, South Korea: 1,350 feet

7. 30 Hudson Yards, New York City, New York: 1,270 feet

8. Dalian International Trade Center, Dalian, China: 1,214 feet

9. Golden Eagle Tiandi Tower A, Nanjing, China: 1,208 feet

T 10. Raffles City Chongqing T3N, Chongqing,  China: 1,163 feet

T 10. Raffles City Chongqing T4N, Chongqing,  China: 1,163 feet

You can see the full list on CTBUH’s website by clicking here.

2020 Projections

The CTBUH is estimating that between 115 and 145 buildings 200m or taller will be completed in 2020, which is less than 2019’s projection of 120 to 150. In the United States, New York City is expecting 10 tall buildings to be completed next year, highlighted by the 1,550 foot tall Central Park Tower and the 1,428 foot tall 111 West 5th Street building.  




