트랙없는 가상 선로 달리는 무인 미래형 열차 VIDEO: China's £120MILLION autonomous, trackless train that runs on virtual rails launches its first commercial line in Sichuan
China's £120MILLION autonomous, trackless train that runs on virtual rails launches its first commercial line in Sichuan
The bizarre concept of a locomotive that doesn't need traditional tracks is being pioneered in China, with it now being the first to open for commercial use (pictured)
A vast array of sensors on the train allow it to measure road dimensions ahead
The train then plots a route accordingly and drives around autonomously
It is estimated the new form of transport will be used by 25,000 people a day
PUBLISHED: 13:01 GMT, 13 December 2019 | UPDATED: 13:11 GMT, 13 December 2019
트랙없는 가상 선로 달리는 무인 미래형 열차 트랙없이 무인으로 가상 선로를 달리는 미래형 열차가 중국 쓰촨성에서 처음으로 공개됐다. 기존 트랙 대신 센서 네트워크를 이용하는 기괴한 컨셉의 기관차가 2년 전 처음 공개됐으나 이달 들어서야 실제 모습을 보였다. ART T1은 도로 치수를 감시하고 물리적 선로에 고정되지 않고 자체 경로를 표시한다. 이빈 시내 한복판을 11마일(17.7km)이나 달리는 이 가상 철도는 건설에 11억2800만 위안(약 1억2천만 파운드=1억 6천만불)이 들었다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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A futuristic train that runs on virtual tracks has opened its doors to passengers for the first time in Sichuan, China.
The bizarre concept of a locomotive that uses a network of sensors instead of traditional tracks was first revealed two years ago, but has only gone live this month.
The ART T1 monitors road dimensions and plots its own route instead of being fixed to physical tracks.
The virtual railway, which runs for 11 miles (17.7 km) through the middle of the city Yibin, cost an estimated 1.128 billion yuan (£120million) to build.
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The virtual tracks runs for 11 miles (17.7 km) through the middle of the city Yibin and cost an estimated 1.128 billion yuan (£120million)
It is thought that up to 10,000 passengers will use the new train every day, rising to 25,000 after it is connected to the nearby high-speed rail network
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