MVRDV의 서울 탄천 밸리 경관 디자인 The Weaves Landscape Design for Tancheon Valley

The Weaves Landscape Design for Tancheon Valley

Waterfront Landscape Development in Seoul, Korea – design by MVRDV, Architects, The Netherlands

12 Dec 2019

The Weaves

Design: MVRDV

Location: Seoul, Korea


MVRDV의 서울 탄천 밸리 경관 디자인

    네덜란드 건축회사 MVRDV는 서울의 탄천 계곡과 수변에서 보행자 및 자전거 도로, 자연 경관, 공공 편의 시설을 매력적이고 장난스럽고 상징적인 풍경으로 엮어내는 디자인인 "The Weaves"로 재설계하는 대회에서 우승했다. 서울시는 2024년 완공될 예정인 이 디자인을 통해 도심 한복판에서 자연과 인간 활동의 강렬한 조합을 소개하고 있다. 심사위원들은 대회 우승자를 발표하면서 MVRDV의 디자인이 "생태와 창조 프로그램 사이에 큰 균형을 이루고, 시민들에게 도시 행사 공간과 휴식 공간을 제공하는 뛰어난 전략을 제시하여 많은 다양한 대상 사용자들이 이 사이트를 이용하도록 장려했다"고 설명했다.

서울의 옛 올림픽 스타디움이었던 잠실 지구와 빠르게 성장하고 있는 강남 중심 상업지구 사이에 위치한 탄천강이 한강과 합류하는 지점은 현재 지상 주차와 고가 고속도로 구조물이 차지하고 있다. 탄천강의 1km 구간은 한강변 수변과 함께 설계에 의해 완전히 변모하게 된다

'약자'의 중심 개념은 자연 생태계, 보행자 접근, 활동이 일어날 수 있는 공공 프로그램의 요소 등 세 가지 측면을 서로 연관 짓는 것이었다.

이 계획의 첫 번째 단계는 강을 좀더 자연주의적인 상태로 되돌리고, 딱딱한 조경을 푸르른 강둑으로 대체하고, 강을 곧은 운하에서 굽이치는 개울로 바꾸는 것이었다. 이 디자인은 강둑에 있는 수생식물을 포함한 신중하게 선택된 토착식물로 강둑을 부드럽게 하여 육지와 물의 경계를 더욱 흐리게 하고, 모두 건강한 수생생생태계에 기여하는 수생풀, 섬, 정화천 등이 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

MVRDV has won a competition to redesign the Tancheon Valley and waterfront in Seoul withThe Weaves, a design that knits together a tangle of pedestrian and bicycle paths, natural landscapes, and public amenities into an appealing, playful, symbolic landscape. Commissioned by the government of Seoul and planned for completion in 2024, the design introduces an intense combination of nature and human activity in the midst of the city. In announcing the winner of the competition, the jury described how MVRDV’s design “shows great balance between ecology and the creative program, and offers an outstanding strategy to provide urban event spaces and resting areas to citizens, encouraging many different target users to take advantage of the site.”

Located between Seoul’s former Olympic Stadium in the Jamsil district and the rapidly growing central business district in Gangnam, the point where the Tancheon River joins the Han River is currently dominated by surface car parking and elevated highway structures. A kilometre-long stretch of the Tancheon River will be completely transformed by the design, as well as a significant stretch of waterfront along the Han River.

The central concept of “The Weaves” was to intertwine three aspects of the landscape: natural ecosystems, access for pedestrians, and elements of public program where activities can take place.

The first step in this plan was to return the river to a more naturalistic state, replacing hard landscaping with lush green riverbanks, and changing the river from a straight canal to a meandering stream. The design softens the banks of the river with carefully selected native vegetation, including aquatic plants at the river bank to further blur the boundary between land and water, as well as water retention pools, islands, and purification streams that all contribute to a healthy waterfront ecosystem.

The second part is the development of a network of winding interconnected paths that allow easy pedestrian access throughout the waterfront, creating opportunities for visitors to encounter the natural ecology in a variety of ways. These paths are not only confined to floor level, though, often peeling away from the ground to cross over other paths, form a bridge over the water or roads, or connect to a pedestrian route at a higher level.

This network incorporates existing infrastructure on the site: in response to the government’s plan to decommission and demolish sections of the site’s highways, MVRDV instead proposed to keep the structures and transform them, echoing the hugely successful Seoullo 7017 project that MVRDV completed in central Seoul in 2017.

This tangle of paths also introduces the third element of the design, the park’s public programme. The paths overlap and intersect, split and recombine, twist and turn, and rise and fall to create plazas, viewing points, amphitheatres, cafés, and other amenities. The result is a public park with a dramatic three-dimensional character.

“Seoul is taking amazing steps to transform grey and obsolete infrastructure into lively green and social spaces”, says MVRDV founding partner Winy Maas, who also worked on Seoullo 7017. “The Weaves is a design that introduces natural landscape combined with exceptional, varied access. It also responds to the local identity. Jamsil is known for its history of silk production and the design recalls the tangled silk threads of its past in a unique and playful way. It becomes an intertwining poem where movement becomes landscape poetry.”

Renderings of The Weaves Seoul © MVRDV

Architect: MVRDV

The Weaves Landscape Design for Tancheon Valley, Seoul images / information received 121219

MVRDV on e-architect

Location: Seoul, Korea


