[속보] 프랑스 현수교 붕괴로 1명 사망 7명 부상 [Breaking News] One dead and four rescued after suspension bridge collapses in France, sweeping away a car and truck
One dead and four rescued after suspension bridge collapses in France, sweeping away a car and truck
daily express
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One dead and four rescued from river after a suspension bridge collapsed
The bridge over the Tarn river in southwest France collapsed on Monday
Three vehicles are believed to have been caught in the bridge collapse
PUBLISHED: 09:50 GMT, 18 November 2019 | UPDATED: 10:06 GMT, 18 November 2019
프랑스 현수교 붕괴로 1명 사망 7명 부상 프랑스 남서부 타른 강에서 현수교가 붕괴돼 차량과 트럭 1대가 추락해 1명이 숨지고 7명이 다쳤다고 구조대원들이 밝혔다. 이 다리는 툴루즈 시에서 북쪽으로 약 30킬로미터(18마일) 떨어진 미레포익스 서탄과 베시레스의 마을을 연결하고 있다. 현지 보도에 따르면 사망자는 붕괴 당시 부모와 함께 차에 타고 있던 15세 소녀다. 그는 60명이 넘는 응급구조원들이 현장에 있었으며 다리 상태에 대한 조사가 진행될 것이라고 덧붙였다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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One person has died and seven are reported injured after a suspension bridge over the Tarn river in southwest France collapsed on Monday, sweeping away a car and a truck, rescue workers said.
The bridge connects the towns of Mirepoix-sur-Tarn and Bessieres, about 30 kilometres (18 miles) north of the city of Toulouse.
According to local reports the deceased is a 15-year-old girl who had been in a car with her parents at the time of the collapse.
Over 60 emergency workers were at the scene, he said, adding that an investigation would be carried out into the condition of the bridge.
daily express
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