베니스, 유례없는 큰 홍수로 세인트 마크 광장 폐쇄 VIDEO: Venice closes its iconic St Mark's Square as city suffers ANOTHER major flood

Venice closes its iconic St Mark's Square as city suffers ANOTHER major flood with water levels set to rise above 5ft TODAY - the first time the city has ever seen such high tides twice in one year


Venice is braced for an unprecedented third major flood in less than a week as sea water expected to rise

City forecast for high water of more than 5ft today - the first time Venice has seen such high tides in one year

Mayor Luigi Brugnaro ordered St Mark's Square close on Friday as latest sea surge struck with strong storms

Iconic city square was open on Saturday, but the city forecast of high tide saw St Mark's closed again today

Churches, shops and homes in the city, a UNESCO World Heritage site, have been struggling with the water

It came as rain lashed the rest of Italy and warnings were issued for the cities of Florence and Pisa 


PUBLISHED: 10:11 GMT, 17 November 2019 | UPDATED: 18:17 GMT, 17 November 2019


베니스, 유례없는 큰 홍수로 세인트 마크 광장 폐쇄

홍수도 관광?

     베니스는 1주일도 안 돼 유례없는 제3의 대형 홍수가 발생했는데, 이미 당국은 비상사태를 선포한 이 황폐한 역사적인 도시를 바닷물이 늪에 빠뜨렸다.

오늘 오후 이탈리아의 나머지 지역에 비가 내리고 피렌체와 피사에 경고가 발령되면서 도시의 상징적 도시인 세인트 마크 광장이 3일 만에 두 번째로 문을 닫았다.

이 중세의 도시는 오늘 또 다른 예외적인 만조를 겪었는데, 물이 4.9피트(150cm)로 최고조에 달해 1872년 공식 조수 통계가 작성된 이래 최악의 한 주를 기록했다.

뉴욕시의 조수 예측 센터는 일요일 조수가 160 센티미터에 이를 수 있다고 경고했고 현지 시각 12.10에 최고 기록도 이에 크게 미치지 못했다.

세인트 마크스 광장이 물에 잠겼고 수백 명의 자원봉사자들이 시민들이 비상사태에 대처하는 것을 돕고 있었다.

베니스가 1년 동안 두 번이나 이렇게 높은 조수를 본 것은 이번이 처음일 것이다. 지금까지 침입한 바닷물로 인한 추정 피해액은 10억 달러가 넘는다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

Venice was hit by an unprecedented third major flooding in less than a week, with sea water swamping the already devastated historic city where authorities declared a state of emergency. 

This afternoon the city's iconic St Mark's Square was closed again for the second time in three days, as rain lashed the rest of Italy and warnings were issued in Florence and Pisa. 

Tourists and residents resume their normal routine despite persistent flooding in Venice - which has forced everyone to walk around in high boots 

The medieval city suffered another exceptional high tide today, with the water peaking at 4.9 feet (150cm), marking the worst week for the city since official tide statistics were produced in 1872.

The city's centre for tide forecasts had warned the tide could reach 160 cm on Sunday and the high mark hit at 12.10 local time was not far short of that.

Water flooded St Mark's Square and hundreds of voluntary workers were helping citizens cope with the emergency. 

It would be the first time Venice has seen such high tides twice in one year. So far the estimated damage from the invading salt water has hit over $1billion. 

Scroll down for video.  

People walk through Venice, as residents brace for the prospect of another exceptional tide in a season that is setting new records

A city worker helps a woman who decided to cross St Mark square on a gangway, despite being told not to, in Venice today


The city beloved around the world for its canals, historic architecture and art, was hit by a high tide at 6.14 feet (187cm) on Tuesday

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