[속보] [볼리비아 극도의 대선 혼란] 사회주의자 대통령 사임 발표 [Breaking News] VIDEO; Bolivia's socialist President Evo Morales RESIGNS after
Bolivia's socialist President Evo Morales RESIGNS after the nation's military chief said he should leave office following fraud allegations that marred his election
Bolivia's now former President Evo Morales announced Sunday he was resigning amid pressure from the military just hours before to step down. Morales (pictured earlier in the day announcing there would be a new presidential election) faced electoral fraud allegations
President Evo Morales announced his departure after General Williams Kaliman said the South American nation's military chiefs wanted him gone
Kaliman said on national television Sunday that the military's chiefs wanted Morales gone to restore 'peace and stability and for the good of our Bolivia'
Kaliman stepped in within hours of Morales agreeing earlier in the day to hold a new election
Morales' claim to have won a fourth term last month had triggered fraud allegations, deadly protests and a split among security forces
볼리비아 사회주의자 대통령 사임 발표 군부 압력에 굴복 궁지에 몰린 볼리비아의 사회주의 대통령 에보 모랄레스가 사임했다. 모랄레스는 남미의 선거 이후 계속되는 시위 속에 군부가 그에게 사퇴를 촉구한 직후 사임의사를 발표했다. 윌리암스 칼리만(WIliams Kaliman) 장군은 국영 TV에서 군 수뇌들이 Morales가 '평화와 안정 그리고 볼리비아의 이익을 위해' 복구하기를 원했다고 말했다. 로이터 통신은 "또한 볼리비아 국민과 동원된 부문을 통해 형제간의 폭력과 무질서의 태도를 벗겨줄 것을 요청한다"고 전했다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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PUBLISHED: 21:38 GMT, 10 November 2019 | UPDATED: 22:35 GMT, 10 November 2019
Bolivia's embattled socialist president Evo Morales has resigned.
Luis Fernando Camacho, a Bolivian opposition leader, waves a Bolivian national flag in La Paz on Sunday after delivering a pre-written resignation letter at the Palacio Quemado (former Palace of Government) for Bolivia's now former President Evo Morales to sign
Morales announced his resignation shortly after the military called on him to step down amid continued protests following the South American nation's disputed elections.
General WIlliams Kaliman said on national television that the military's chiefs wanted Morales gone to restore 'peace and stability and for the good of our Bolivia'.
People take to the streets of La Paz to celebrate the resignation of Bolivia's now former President Evo Morales on Sunday
People celebrate after Bolivia's now former President Evo Morales announced his resignation in La Paz on Sunday
'Likewise, we ask the Bolivian people and mobilized sectors to shed attitudes of violence and disorder among brothers so as not to stain our families with blood, pain and mourning', the general said, Reuters reports.
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