디카프리오와 툰버그의 아름다운 만남 그들은 '서로 지지하기로' 약속했다' VIDEO: Climate crusaders Leo and Greta Thunberg hit it off in California as actor says they've 'made a commitment to support

Climate crusaders Leo and Greta Thunberg hit it off in California as actor says they've 'made a commitment to support one another' - but Swedish teen admits she still doesn't know how she'll get emission-free across the Atlantic

Leonardo DiCaprio posted a message of support for Greta Thunberg online 

The actor praised the 16-year-old, calling her a 'leader of our time', on Friday

They met on Greta's tour of North America, and agreed 'to support one another'

Leo used his acceptance speech at the 2016 Oscars to speak on climate change

But the environmentalist has been criticized for using private jets in the past

Greta said she needs help in getting to the UN's COP25 climate change summit 

After a location change she has 'traveled half around the world, the wrong way'


PUBLISHED: 20:10 GMT, 1 November 2019 | UPDATED: 22:34 GMT, 1 November 2019


디카프리오와 툰버그의 아름다운 만남

그들은  '서로 지지하기로' 약속했다'

   레오나르도 디카프리오가 그레타 툰버그와 만나 이 16세의 젊은 소녀를 '우리 시대의 지도자'라고 칭하며 두 운동가가 '서로 지지하기로' 약속했다고 밝혔다.

환경적인 원인에 대한 관심에도 불구하고 전용기를 사용했다는 이유로 많은 비난을 받아온 이 오스카 수상 배우는 이 두 사람의 사진을 함께 게재하면서 이 기후 운동가와 대화한 것은 하나의 '명예'라고 말했다.

한 인스타그램 게시물에서 리오는 그레타의 메시지가 '세계 지도자들에게 경종을 울리는 것'이 되기를 바란다고 말했다. 이 여학생은 그레타를 '미래에 대한 낙관적'으로 만들었다고 덧붙였다.

그레타가 유엔 COP25 기후 변화 정상회의에 참석하기 위해 도움을 요청하는 자신의 소셜 미디어 페이지를 들고 나온 것이다.

그녀는 칠레로 향하고 있었지만, 산티아고에서 마드리드로의 위치가 바뀐 후, 그녀는 '세계 절반을 여행했고, 잘못된 길로' 여행했다.

환경적인 이유로 비행기로 여행하는 것을 거부하는 그레타는 이렇게 썼다. '이제 나는 11월에 대서양을 횡단할 방법을 찾아야 한다.' 만약 내가 교통수단을 찾는 것을 도울 수 있는 사람이 있다면 나는 정말 감사할 것이다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

Leonardo DiCaprio has met with Greta Thunberg, calling the 16-year-old 'a leader of our time' and revealing the two campaigners have 'made a commitment to support one another'. 

Leonardo DiCaprio says he hopes Greta Thunberg's climate change message is a 'wake-up call to world leaders', after meeting with the 16-year-old on Friday, pictured

The Oscar winning actor - who has been widely criticized for his use of private jets despite his interest in environmental causes - said it was an 'honor' to speak with the climate activist, posting an image of the two of them together on Friday.    

In an Instagram post Leo said he hopes Greta's message is 'a wake up call to world leaders', adding that the schoolgirl makes him 'optimistic about what the future holds'. 

It comes as Greta took to her own social media pages pleading for help in getting to the United Nations’ COP25 climate change summit. 

The award-winning actor, 44, praised the teenage environmentalist, calling her a 'leader of our time' on social media after they spoke in California, US. DiCaprio has been widely criticized for his use of private jets despite his interest in environmental causes

She had been heading to Chile but after a location change from Santiago to Madrid she has 'traveled half around the world, the wrong way'. 

Greta, who refuses to travel by plane for environmental reasons, wrote: 'Now I need to find a way to cross the Atlantic in November... If anyone could help me find transport I would be so grateful.'  

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