현대차 미래 지향적 자율주행 수소 동력 트럭 선보여...그런데 문이 어딨지? VIDEO: Hyundai reveals hydrogen-powered LORRY with giant grill and refrigerated trailer inspired by 1930s streamliner train - but how do you get in?

Hyundai reveals hydrogen-powered LORRY with giant grill and refrigerated trailer inspired by 1930s streamliner train - but how do you get in?

HDC-6 Neptune may seem futuristic Design inspired by streamliner trains on the New York Central Railroad

The design is Hyundai's answer to a clean-energy powered haulage trucks - and they emit zero emissions

It appears at first glance that the lorry doesn't have doors -  but passengers can actually access retractable steps to enter the vehicle, which are cleverly hidden in the large grill


현대차 미래 지향적 자율주행 수소 동력 트럭 선보여

   현대차는 고속 '스트림라이너' 열차로 보이는 자율주행  수소트럭을 출시했다.

그러나 겉보기에는 문이나 출입구가 없어 보이는 이 날렵한 디자인은 단지 한 가지 의문점을 남긴다: 어떻게 안으로 들어갈 것인가?

비록 그것이 즉시 명백하지는 않지만, 승객들은 실제로 대형 그릴에 교묘하게 숨겨져 있는 미닫이 문과 접을 수 있는 층계를 사용하여 차량 안으로 들어갈 수 있다.

트럭의 유일한 폐기물은 테일파이프에서 배출되는 물이다. 즉, 도로의 오염도를 크게 변화시킬 수 있다는 뜻이다

HDC-6 넵튠(해왕성)의 개념은 미래지향적으로 보일지 모르지만, 회사의 비전에 따르면, 2030년에 이르면 세계 도로는 '연료전지 전기 자동차'에 의해 가득차게 될 것이다.

이 수소 트럭은 1936년부터 1959년까지 운행된 미국의 상징적 스트림라이너 열차에서 영감을 받았고, 특히 아트 데코 산업 디자인의 대표적인 예인 뉴욕 센트럴 철도를 위한 헨리 드레퓌스의 디자인에서 영감을 받았다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator


edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 12:32 GMT, 30 October 2019 | UPDATED: 18:46 GMT, 30 October 2019

Hyundai have released a driverless, hydrogen-powdered heavy goods lorry that looks like a high-speed  'streamliner' train.   

But its sleek design - with seemingly no doors or access -  leaves just one question: how do you get in?  

The trucks' only waste product is water, emitted from the tail pipe, meaning it could drastically change the levels of pollution created on the roads. 

Although it may not be immediately obvious, passengers can actually use a sliding door and retractable steps to enter the vehicle, which are cleverly hidden in the large grill 

The concept for the HDC-6 Neptune may seem futuristic, but according to the company's vision the world's roads will be inundated by the 'Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles' as soon as 2030. 

Hyundai have released a driverless, hydrogen-powdered heavy goods lorry that looks like a high-speed 'streamliner' train - the Hyundai HDC-6 NEPTUNE

The concept's design was inspired by U.S. streamliner trains that ran from 1936 until 1959 and were a prime example of Art Deco industrial design. Two streamlined 1930s locomotives, near Washington, D.C

It was inspired by the iconic U.S. streamliner trains that ran from 1936 until 1959, particularly Henry Dreyfuss' design for the New York Central Railroad, a prime example of Art Deco industrial design. 

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