[속보] 영국 화물 콘테이너에서 39명 사망자 발견 [Breaking] 39 dead bodies are found in container in Thurrock, police say

39 people found dead in Grays lorry as police launch murder investigation

The lorry driver has been arrested on suspicion of murder

A murder investigation has been launched after the bodies of 39 people were found inside a lorry container in Grays.

Police at the scene on Eastern Avenue in Thurrock


영국 화물 콘테이너에서 39명 사망자 발견

    오늘 아침 그레이스 워터글레이드 산업 공원에서 사람들이 탄 화물 컨테이너가 발견되면서 구급차 서비스에 의해 경찰이 출동했다.

긴급 구조대가 도착했지만 39명이 현장에서 사망한 상태라고 발표되었다.

경찰은 이 단계에서 38명은 성인이고 1명은 10대라고 믿고 있다고 말하고 있다.

한편 북아일랜드 출신의 로리 운전수인 25세 남성이 살인 혐의로 체포되었다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

Thurrock bodies found: Police discover 39 dead bodies in container

edited by kcontents

Police were called by the ambulance service shortly before 1.40am this morning following the discovery of a lorry container with people inside at Waterglade Industrial Park, Grays.

Emergency services arrived but 39 people were pronounced dead at the scene.

Police say at this stage they believe that 38 are adults and one is a teenager.

A 25-year-old-man from Northern Ireland has been arrested on suspicion of murder.


