[속보] "北, 강원도 원산서 동해상으로 미상 발사체 발사" VIDEO:[Breaking] North Korea launches ‘unidentified projectiles’ hours after agreeing to resume denuclearization talks with US

North Korea launches ‘unidentified projectiles’ hours after agreeing to resume denuclearization talks with US

The launch of several unidentified missiles from North Korea has been detected by the Japenese coast guard and the South Korean military, mere hours after Pyongyang said it would resume denuclearization talks with the US.

FILE PHOTO ©  KCNA via Reuters

(사진은 지난 8월 16일 '북한판 에이태킴스'로 불리는 단거리 탄도미사일이 표적을 향해 비행하는 모습. [연합뉴스])

[속보] "北, 강원도 원산서 동해상으로 미상 발사체 발사"

   북한이 2일 오전 강원도 원산 북방 일대에서 동해 방향으로 미상 발사체를 발사했다고 합동참모본부가 밝혔다. 

합참은 "우리 군은 추가 발사에 대비해 관련 동향을 추적 감시하면서 대비태세를 유지하고 있다"고 밝혔다.

정은혜 기자 jeong.eunhye1@joongang.co.kr 

북한은 미국과의 비핵화 회담 재개에 동의한 지 몇 시간 만에 '확인되지 않은 발사체'를 발사했다.

미국과의 비핵화 회담 재개 몇시간 만에 미사일을 발사한 것이다. 여러 정체 불명의 북한의 미사일의 발사는 일본 해안 경비대와 한국군에 의해 포착되고 있다.

최소 2개의 발사체가 원산에서 강원도, 바다 동쪽으로로 발사됐다.이는 연합뉴스가 수요일 한국 합참 본부를 인용 보도했다. 발사체의 유형은 밝혀지지 않았다.

스가 요시히데 관방장관은 "북한 미사일 1발이 시마네현 앞바다에 있는 일본 배타적경제수역(EEZ) 내 바다에 떨어졌다"고 말했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

At least two projectiles were launched from Wonsan in the Kangwon province, eastward into the sea, Yonhap news agency reported on Wednesday citing South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff. Their type was not identified.

One North Korean missile fell into the sea inside Japan’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ), off the coast of Shimane Prefecture, said Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga.

 ©  Google Maps

This is the first missile test since the launch of two unidentified projectiles on September 10, and the 11th missile launch since May, when Korea resumed testing after the failure of talks with the US in Vietnam.

On Tuesday, the US State Department announced the resumption of talks with North Korea at staff level, with the US delegation being led by special envoy Stephen Biegun. This follows the June meeting between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at the Demilitarized Zone between the two Koreas.

Trump and Kim met in Hanoi in February for a second summit dedicated to denuclearizing the Korean peninsula and maybe even ending the Korean War, kept frozen since the 1953 armistice. However, the summit abruptly ended when the US rejected North Korean proposal for a partial lifting of sanctions as a gesture of goodwill.

While South Korea and Japan have been alarmed at the uptick in missile tests, Trump has dismissed it as business as usual.

“He likes testing missiles,” he said of Kim after the August 24 test, adding that the North Korean leader “has been pretty straight with me – and we’re going to see what’s going on.”



