미국 밀레니얼 세대 선호 100대 브랜드 중 상위 20위 Millennials reveal their 105 favorite brands, from Olive Garden to Amazon
Millennials reveal their 105 favorite brands, from Olive Garden to Amazon
Shoshy Ciment and Bethany Biron Aug. 30, 2019, 9:43 AM
Millennials are an important demographic for brands to win over. Their shopping habits can sometimes make or break an industry.
The marketing agency Moosylvania has compiled its annual "Millennials' Top 100 Brands" list for 2019 after surveying 1,000 millennial consumers.
According to a survey, 44% of millennial respondents say their favorite brand creates a connection between them and like-minded consumers. GaudiLab / Shutterstock.com
미국 밀레니얼 세대 선호 100대 브랜드 중 상위 20위 삼성전자가 미국 밀레니얼 세대를 대상으로 한 브랜드 선호도 조사에서 6위에 올랐다. 미국 외 기업 브랜드 중에서는 1위였으며, 구글과 코카콜라, 마이크로소프트(MS), 디즈니, 스타벅스 등을 모두 제치면서 미국 젊은 층에서도 유명무실한 '글로벌 브랜드'로 자리 잡은 것으로 평가됐다.
(서울=연합뉴스) 박영석 기자 =zeroground@yna.co.kr |
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From Netflix to Adidas, here are the brands that made the cut.
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Millennials' spending habits can be destructive to industries that are slow to cater to the powerful demographic's tastes.
Defined by the Pew Research Center as anyone born between 1981 and 1996, millennials have different spending habits from those of their generational predecessors. Sometimes, retailers need to change their strategies to win over the age group.
"They are often branded as being more narcissistic, more idealistic, more socially-conscious, and more experience-oriented than any of their preceding generations," a Deloitte study published in May said. "They have even been blamed for ruining everything from movies to marriage!"
The Robin Report
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For the seventh year, the marketing agency Moosylvania has compiled its "Millennials' Top 100 Brands" list based on write-in responses from a national survey with 1,000 respondents ages 19 to 39.
Here are the top brands, according to the survey. Because of ties, 105 brands are represented.
Note: The rankings are Olympic-style, with several ties.
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