2차 세계 대전 실종 잠수함 앞부분 80년 만에 알래스카에서 발견 VIDEO: USS Grunion's bow is discovered off the coast of Alaska nearly 80 years after the submarine sunk during WWII

USS Grunion's bow is discovered off the coast of Alaska nearly 80 years after the submarine sunk during WWII

Gato-class submarine sunk near Aleutian Islands in July 1942, killing 70 sailors

Sons of the captain Lt Cmdr 'Jim' Abele led search to find lost ship back in 2006

Lost 52 Project team returned to create 3D model of submarine and found bow


2차 세계 대전 실종 잠수함 앞부분 80년 만에 알래스카에서 발견

   해양 탐험가들은 2차 세계 대전 중에 실종된 지 거의 80년 만에 알래스카 해안에서 미 잠수함 그루니온호(USS Grunion)을 발견했다.

로스트 52 프로젝트의 한 팀은 첨단 로봇 기술을 사용하여 알류샨 열도 근처의 2,700 피트(820m)의 물에서 잠수함 부품을 발견했다.

침몰 당시 70명을 태우고 있던 가토급 잠수함은 1942년 7월 마지막 소식이 전해졌다.

2006년, 선장인 만너트 에이블 중령의 아들들인 브루스, 브래드, 존이 잃어버린 잠수함을 찾기 위해 1년 뒤 수색에 들어갔다.

이 팀은 작년에 3D 모델을 만들기 위해 사진 측량 기술과 함께 사용하기 위해 수천 장의 난파선의 사진을 찍으며 현장으로 돌아왔다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 11:40 BST, 6 August 2019 | UPDATED: 12:30 BST, 6 August 2019

Ocean explorers have discovered the bow of the USS Grunion off the coast of Alaska nearly 80 years after it was lost during the Second World War.

A team from the Lost 52 Project found the submarine part in 2,700 ft (820m) of water near the Aleutian Islands using pioneering robot technology.

The Gato-class submarine, which was carrying 70 people on board when it sank, was last heard from in July 1942.

In 2006, the sons of the ship's captain Lieutenant Commander Mannert 'Jim' Abele - Bruce, Brad and John - began a search for the lost submarine, finding it a year later.

Ocean explorers have discovered the bow of the USS Grunion off the coast of Alaska nearly 80 years after it was lost during WWII

The team returned to the spot last year, taking thousands of pictures of the shipwreck to use with photogrammetry technology to create 3D models. 

Then, earlier this month, they also discovered the bow around a quarter of a mile from the main site of the wreckage.

It is hoped archaeologists and historians will be able to spend time examining the reconstructions to understand what happened to the ship, reports LiveScience. 

Tim Taylor, a member of Lost 52, which looks for missing WWII ships, said: 'This goes so far past video or still imagery, it truly is the future of recording historical underwater discoveries.'

The submarine, pictured, was carrying 70 people on board when it sank in July 1942

In 2006, the sons of the ship's captain Lieutenant Commander Mannert 'Jim' Abele - Bruce, Brad and John (pictured) - began a search for the lost submarine, finding it a year later

According to the Lost 52 website, the feat is the 'most comprehensive photogrammetry survey every performed on a WWII submarine'. 

Lt. Cmdr. Abele joined the USS Grunion (SS-216) in April 1942, rescuing 16 survivors of the USAT Jack in the Caribbean Sea a month later.

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