[긴장 촉발되는 미-이란] 트럼프, 미 해군 호르무즈 해협에서 이란 드론 격추 발표 VIDEO:Trump Says Navy Ship Shot Down Iranian Drone/이란, UAE 국적 유조선 실종 며칠 만에 영상 공개 VIDEO: ‘Smuggling fuel’: ..
Trump Says Navy Ship Shot Down Iranian Drone
By Thomas Gibbons-Neff
July 18, 2019
WASHINGTON — The American military shot down an Iranian drone in the Strait of Hormuz on Thursday, President Trump said during a ceremony at the White House.
President Trump said Thursday that an American military ship had downed an Iranian drone in the Strait of Hormuz.CreditCreditAhmed Jadallah/Reuters
트럼프, 미 해군 호르무즈 해협에서 이란 드론 격추 발표 트럼프 대통령은 이란의 무인기가 상륙 갑판에서 공격용 제트기와 헬기를 발사할 수 있는 수륙양용 공격함인 복서호를 위협했다고 말했다. 트럼프 대통령은 "드론은 즉시 파괴됐다"고 말했다 국방부 대변인인 조나단 호프만은 성명에서 "복서함은 공해상에 있으며, 드론은 방어조치를 취하기 전 "위협한 범위 내에서 폐쇄됐다"고 말했다 이란 무인기가 무장됐는지는 불분명하다 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
WASHINGTON — The American military shot down an Iranian drone in the Strait of Hormuz on Thursday, President Trump said during a ceremony at the White House.
Mr. Trump said the unmanned aircraft threatened the Boxer, an amphibious assault ship that can launch attack jets and helicopters from its landing deck.
“The drone was immediately destroyed,” Mr. Trump said.
A Pentagon spokesman, Jonathan Hoffman, said in a statement that the Boxer was in international waters and that the drone “closed within a threatening range” before taking defensive action.
It was unclear if the Iranian drone was armed.
There was no immediate comment from Tehran. But the downing will most likely again inflame tensions between Iran and the United States.
Last month, Iran shot down an American surveillance drone in a dispute over whether it was flying over international waters or Iran’s territory. The Trump administration considered retaliating with military strikes against a handful of Iranian targets, like radar and missile batteries.
Officials said Mr. Trump initially approved the strikes. But with minutes to spare and planes already headed to their targets, the president abruptly pulled back to prevent what he said would have been the deaths of about 150 Iranians.
He also said the death of that many Iranians would not be “proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone.”
Washington has also accused Iran of sabotaging six tankers in the Gulf of Oman in recent months, an accusation that Tehran has denied.
Earlier Thursday, Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, told journalists in New York that “we came a few minutes away from a war” after last month’s incident.
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‘Smuggling fuel’: Iran state TV shows VIDEO of seized tanker days after UAE-based vessel vanishes
Published time: 18 Jul, 2019
Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has released footage showing the seizure of a ship “smuggling fuel” in the Persian Gulf. The vessel bears the name of the UAE-owned tanker that recently vanished in the Gulf.
FILE PHOTO. IRGC speedboats. © AFP / Atta Kenar
이란, UAE 국적 유조선 실종 며칠 만에 영상 공개
'밀수 연료' 압수 모습 이란 이슬람 혁명수비대(ISD)가 페르시아만에서 선박이 '밀수 연료'를 압수하는 장면을 담은 동영상을 공개했다. 이 선박에는 최근 걸프만에서 사라진 UAE 소유 유조선의 이름이 적혀 있다. 이 동영상은 여러 척의 이란 경비함이 유조선을 선회하는 것을 보여주며, 유조선을 강제로 멈추게 한 것으로 보인다. 영상 속 배는 일요일 실종됐던 파나마 유조선 MT 리아(MT Riah)인 것으로 보인다. 테헤란은 처음에 이 배가 기술적인 문제를 겪었고 수리를 위해 이란 물로 예인되었다고 말했다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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The footage shows several Iranian boats circling the tanker, apparently forcing it to stop. Another video was captured from
The ship in the video is apparently the MT Riah – a Panamanian-flagged tanker that went missing on Sunday. Tehran initially said that the ship experienced technical issues and was towed into Iranian water for repair.
According to the IRGC, the incident took place to the south of Iran’s Larak Island, which is located in the northern part of the Strait of Hormuz. The vessel had 12 crewmembers on board when it was detained, the IRGC said, giving no further information on their names or nationalities.
The ship has allegedly been engaging into repeated trips between different emirates of the UAE – presumably carrying oil or fuel. But an Emirati security official earlier denied that the UAE owns or operates the vessel, adding that ‘Riah’ did not send a distress call during the incident.
The incident with the MT Riah came shortly after another Panamanian-flagged vessel, Grace 1, was seized by the UK in the Strait of Gibraltar. The British claimed the vessel was carrying Iranian crude to fuel-strapped Syria and therefore was violating EU sanctions. Tehran reacted angrily to the arrest of the ship, comparing it to an act of piracy and berating London for kowtowing to the US.
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