엑스포 2020 두바이, 교통인프라 현황 VIDEO; Expo 2020 Dubai reveals plans to enhance visitor transport systems
Expo 2020 Dubai reveals plans to enhance visitor transport systems
The scheme includes a 15km extension of Dubai Metro's Red Line and $816.7m spend on roads leading to site
by Ashley Williams14 Jul 2019
Expo 2020 Dubai’s real estate development team has reportedly revealed a number of plans to boost Dubai’s transport system that will serve the expected 25 million visitors to the world expo when it opens its doors on 20 October 2020.
Expo 2020's real estate development team has unveiled a number of transport plans
엑스포 2020 두바이, 교통인프라 현황 엑스포 2020 두바이 부동산 개발팀은 2020년 10월 20일 문을 열 때 예상되는 세계 엑스포 방문객 2,500만 명에게 서비스를 제공하는 두바이의 교통시스템을 활성화하기 위한 여러 가지 계획을 밝힌 것으로 알려졌다. 두바이의 지하철 레드라인에서 엑스포 2020까지 15km 연장된 "루트 2020" 노선이 포함되어 있으며, 이는 매시간 44,000명의 승객들을 수송할 것이다.
다른 인프라는 편도4차선 9km 길이의 알 얄레이이스 도로가 있다. 하테브에 따르면 엑스포로 이어지는 도로를 개발하는데 드는 비용은 8억불 이상이 될 것으로 알려졌다. 하테브 대변인은 "도로교통공단(RTA)은 두바이의 특정 역에서 15분마다 버스 1대씩 승객을 수송할 수 있는 724대의 버스를 보유하게 된다"고 덧붙였다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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Route 2020 /thenational.ae
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In a statement sent to Emirates News Agency Wam, Expo 2020 Dubai’s chief executive officer for real estate development, Ahmed Al Khateeb, said they were cooperating with government institutions to provide a “unique” transportation experience to all visitors.
Al Khateeb added the world fair’s three main entrances and the Dubai Metro entrance, as well as the availability of 30,000 parking lots, will ensure smooth entry and departure to and from the expo site.
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Plans include the implementation of "Route 2020", a 15km extension of the Red Line of Dubai Metro to Expo 2020 that will transport 44,000 people in both directions every hour.
Other developments include the 9km long Al Yalayis road with a capacity of four tracks in each direction. Work to develop roads leading to expo will cost more than $816.7m (AED3bn), according to Khateeb.
9km long Al Yalayis road/dubaimetro.eu
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Khateeb added that the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) will have 724 buses to transport passengers from specific stations in Dubai and other parts of the country at a rate of one bus every 15 minutes.