92년 LA폭동 시 한국인의 방어 모습/치매 엄마의 가슴 뭉클한 순간/나 그만 쳐다보고.../ 건설작업자의 구사일생 VIDEO:How the Koreans defended their stores during the LA riots/You should stop focusing on me and/ This c..
경제문화 Economy, Culture/얘기꺼리 Gosship2019. 7. 9. 23:02
How the Koreans defended their stores during the LA riots
This mother who has alzheimer, for a moment remembers her daughter and says I love you ...
치매 엄마의 가슴 뭉클한 순간...잠시나마 딸을 알아보고 '사랑해'라고 말한다.
You should stop focusing on me and look to your righ...
나 그만 쳐다보고 우측 봐봐..깜짝이야!
This construction worker has nerves of steel