이란의 우라늄 농축수준 상향은 어떤 의미? VIDEO; Iran exceeds uranium enrichment level set by nuclear deal as Europe fails to resist US sanctions

Iran exceeds uranium enrichment level set by nuclear deal as Europe fails to resist US sanctions

Iran has officially surpassed the 3.67% uranium enrichment limit set by the 2015 nuclear deal, Reuters has reported, citing a spokesman for the country's nuclear agency.

A general view of the Bushehr main nuclear reactor, 1,200 km (746 miles) south of Tehran. © Reuters / Raheb Homavandi


이란의 우라늄 농축수준 상향은 어떤 의미?

   이란이 핵 합의(JCPOAㆍ포괄적 공동행동계획) 상한(농축도 3.67%)을 넘긴 우라늄 농축에 나서자 미국이 이란에 핵무기를 허용하지 않겠다며 사상 최대 압박을 지속하겠다는 뜻을 밝혔다.

(서울=연합뉴스) 장성구 기자 


[속보] 이란, 핵 협정 설정 우라늄 농축 기준 3.67% 초과 [Breaking News] Iran exceeds 3.67% limit of uranium enrichment level set by nuclear deal


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Behrouz Kamalvandi said that Iran's new level of uranium enrichment was at 4.5%, and that Tehran would consider increasing this figure to 20% as a future measure if Europe continues to neglect its commitments under the JCPOA. He urged the deal’s European signatories to act quickly before Iran took further steps to pull out from the accord.

Tehran announced on Sunday that it would exceed the cap mandated by the accord, warning it would further scale down its commitments under the deal if its European partners failed to honor the agreement. Under deal, known as the JCPOA, Iran agreed to limit its nuclear activities and to allow international inspections of its nuclear facilities, in exchange for sanctions relief.



