파키스탄 연안의 작은 섬 사라지다 VIDEO: Ocean finally engulfs 'earthquake island' nearly SIX YEARS after it was created...

Ocean finally engulfs 'earthquake island' nearly SIX YEARS after it was created following the deadly tremor which struck Pakistan and claimed the lives of more than 800 people

The tiny island, also known as Zalzala Koh, was formed after 2013 earthquake 

A devastating 7.7-magnitude tremor hit Pakistan and killed at least 825 people

'Earthquake island' was formed as a result off the coast of port city Gwadar

It has been slowly eroded and shrinking for six years and is now fully submerged 


파키스탄 연안의 작은 섬 사라지다

발로치스탄 남부 과다르시 해안

6년 전 강진 여파 화산도 형성

   파키스탄 연안의 작은 섬이 인도양에 의해 삼켜지고 파도 아래로 사라졌다. 

파키스탄 발루치스탄주에서는 6년 전 규모 7.7의 강진이 발생해 825명의 목숨을 앗아갔다.

잘살라 코라고도 알려진 이 돌출부는 수중 '진흙 화산'의 폭발로 형성되었다. 

바다의 조수로 인한 점진적인 침식은 마침내 다시 이 섬을 빨아 들이는 것을 보았다.

나사의 최근 사진에는 물 속에 이 섬이 아직도 있음을 볼 수 있다..

균열에서 유독가연성 가스가 배출되고 있음에도 불구하고 이곳을 찾은 관광객과 현지인들에게 관광 명소가 되었다.

표면은 죽은 바다 생물들로 덮여 있었고 진흙과 모래와 바위가 뒤섞여 있었다.

이 '지진도'는 이 치명적인 자연재해의 부산물이었지만 점차적으로 침식이 되었음에도 불구하고 지속적으로 회자되었다.

그것은 처음 형성되었을 때는 높이 65피트(20미터), 너비 295피트(90미터), 길이 135피트(40미터)로 측정되었지만 빠르게 침식되어 지금은 물에 잠겼다.

첫 사진은 나사의 지구관측-1과 랜드샛 8개 위성이 섬이 출현한 지 불과 며칠 만에 촬영한 것이다. 

파키스탄과 이란의 지진을 연구하는 미국 지질조사국(US Georological Survey)의 지질학자인 빌 바른하트는 2013년 '이 섬은 실제로 해저에서 쌓인 진흙더미에 불과했다'고 말했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 15:17 BST, 5 July 2019 | UPDATED: 16:11 BST, 5 July 2019

A tiny island off the coast of Pakistan has been swallowed by the Indian Ocean and has disappeared beneath the waves. 

It was created six years ago when a devastating 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck Pakistan's quake-prone province of Baluchistan and claimed the lives of 825 people.

The outcrop, also known as Zalzala Koh, was formed from the eruptions of an underwater 'mud volcano'. 

Gradual erosion from the ocean's tides has seen it re-submerged at last.

NASA images reveal its sudden appearance followed by its gradual demise. It can still be seen in the latest pictures from the agency despite being beneath the water.

Scroll down for video 


'Earthquake Island' was created six years ago when a devastating 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck Pakistan's quake-prone province of Baluchistan and claimed the lives of 825 people (second left) and has now been submerged after constant erosion (right) 

It became an instant attraction for tourists and locals who visited the area despite toxic, flammable gas being emitted from its cracks.

The surface was covered in sea creatures such as dead fish and was a mixture of mud, sand and rock.

'Earthquake Island' was a trivial byproduct of the deadly natural disaster but served as a lasting reminder, despite its gradual erosion. 

It measured 65 feet (20 metres), 295 feet high (90 metres) wide and 135 feet (40 metres) long when first formed but was rapidly worn away and is now submerged.  

Zalzala Koh became an instant attraction for tourists and locals who visited the area despite toxic, flammable gas being emitted from its cracks. The surface was covered in sea creatures such as dead fish and was a mixture of mud, sand and rock

The first images were taken by NASA's Earth Observing-1 and Landsat 8 satellites just days after the island emerged. 

'The island is really just a big pile of mud from the seafloor that got pushed up,' said Bill Barnhart in 2013, a geologist at the US Geological Survey who studies earthquakes in Pakistan and Iran.

When the tremor struck in late September 2013 the violent shaking of the Earth's tectonic plates produced vast ejections of mud and gas which formed the outcrop

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