NASA가 개발 중인 창문 없는 조종석 초음속 비행기 '콩코드의 아들' VIDEO: Would you fly in a 1,100MPH jet with NO front window? Pilots controlling NASA's 'silent' supersonic plane dubbed the ‘son of concord’ will use cameras and..

Would you fly in a 1,100MPH jet with NO front window? Pilots controlling NASA's 'silent' supersonic plane dubbed the ‘son of concord’ will use cameras and a 4K TV screen to navigate the skies

X-59 Quiet Supersonic Transport (QueSST) is scheduled for test flights in 2021

It has an elongated nose and will not have a front window for the pilots to use 

A system of cameras will feed live data back to the cockpit via a 4K screen   


NASA가 개발 중인 창문 없는 조종석 초음속 비행기  '콩코드의 아들'

시속 1,760km

3시간 만에 런던에서 뉴욕으로 날아가

2021년 시험 비행

    NASA는 현재 조종사가 내다볼 수 있는 전면 창문이 없는 연필 모양의 초음속 비행기 제작 작업 중이다.

다소 결함이 있어 보이는 이 초음속 비행기는 전면에 장착된 두 대의 카메라의 실시간 피드를 보여주는 4K 초고해상도 TV 화면을 설치함으로써 완화될 것이다. 

이 시스템을 XVS(External Visibility System)라고 하며, 지형 데이터와 시각적 입력을 결합하여 평면 위치에 대한 종합적인 이미지를 만들어 낼 것이다.

공식적으로 X-59 Quiet Supersonic Transport (QueSST)로 알려진, 그것은 '콩코드의 아들'이라는 닉네임을 얻었고, 2021년까지 시험 비행을 할 준비가 될 수 있다

이 비행기는 단 3시간 만에 런던에서 뉴욕으로 날아갈 수 있다.

조종사석의 창문 부족은 4K 초고해상도 TV(예술가의 인상, 사진) 화면을 설치하면 비행기 전면에 장착된 카메라 2대의 실시간 피드를 통해 해결된다. 

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 11:44 BST, 24 June 2019 | UPDATED: 11:44 BST, 24 June 2019

NASA is currently working on a supersonic plane shaped like a pencil which doesn't have a front-facing window for the pilot to look out of. 


This seemingly flawed concept will be mitigated by the installation of a 4K ultra high resolution TV screen showing a live feed from two cameras mounted on the front of the plane. 

The system is called the eXternal Visibility System (XVS) and will combine terrain data and visual input to create a comprehensive image of the plane's location. 

Known formally as the X-59 Quiet Supersonic Transport (QueSST), it has garnered the nickname 'son of concord' and could be ready for test fights by 2021 and could one day fly from London to New York in just three hours.

The pilot's lack of a window will be solved by the installation of a 4K ultra high resolution TV (artist's impression, pictured) screen showing a live feed from two cameras mounted on the front of the plane 


NASA is currently working on a supersonic plane shaped like a pencil which doesn't have a front-facing window for the pilot to look out of (pictured). Known formally as the X-59 Quiet Supersonic Transport (QueSST), it has garnered the nickname 'son of concord'

NASA revealed the design quirk in a statement, and it states: 'The 4K monitor, which is part of the aircraft’s eXternal Visibility System, or XVS, displays stitched images from two cameras outside the aircraft combined with terrain data from an advanced computing system.

'The two portals and traditional canopy are real windows however, and help the pilot see the horizon. 

'The displays below the XVS will provide a variety of aircraft systems and trajectory data for the pilot to safely fly.

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