UAE 바라카 원전 1호기, 2019년 말~2020년 초 가동 예정 Unit 1 of Barakah NEP to launch between end-2019 and early-2020

Unit 1 of Barakah NEP to launch between end-2019 and early-2020

Operator Nawah enters long-term maintenance agreement with KHNP and KPS; says launch pending regulatory approval

by Neha Bhatia24 Jun 2019

Unit 1 of the UAE's under-construction Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant (Barakah NEP) in Abu Dhabi will see operational commencement between the end of 2019 and early 2020, pending regulatory approval, it was revealed by operator Nawah Energy Company – a subsidiary created by Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (Enec) and Korea Electric Power Corporation (Kepco) to operate and maintain the project – as it signed a long-term maintenance services agreement with Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP), alongside Kepco Plant Service & Engineering (KPS).

Unit 1 of the UAE's Barakah NEP. Enec / CW Archives


UAE 바라카 원전 1호기, 2019년 말~2020년 초 가동 예정

한국 한수원 한전과 정비 엔지니어링 서비스 계약 체결

  아랍에미리트(UAE) 아부다비에 건설 중인 바라카 원자력발전소(Barakah NEP) 1호기는 공식 가동 승인이 나면 2019년 말부터 2020년 초 사이에 가동될 예정이다, 이는 에미레이트 원자력공사와 한국전력회사가 설립한 자회사인 나와 에너지회사가 발표했다.한국수력원자력(한수원)과 한전 플랜트 서비스앤엔지니어링(KPS)과 함께 장기정비 서비스 계약을 체결해 사업을 운영 및 유지에 관한 것이다.

나와는 발표에서 "UAE 연방 원자력규제기관의 향후 운영라이센스를 보유하게 될 것"이라며 "이는 UAE 수도 알 다프라 지역에 위치한 바라카 NEP의 운영과 유지관리에 대한 모든 규제 책임을 지게 될 것"이라고 밝혔다. 


결국 탈원전으로 1/3토막 난 UAE 원전 정비사업...겨우 5년 짜리 수주

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4개의 APR1400 원자로를 갖춘 바라카 1호기는 2012년에 착공하여 2018년에 완공되었다.

한편, 전체 준공율이 93%를 넘는 바라카 NEP의 2, 3, 4호기는 공사가 진행되고 있다

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

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In a statement, Nawah said it was the future holder of an operating licence from the UAE's Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation, and as such would hold all regulatory responsibilities for the operations and maintenance of Barakah NEP, located in the UAE capital's Al Dhafra region. 

Comprising of four APR1400 nuclear reactors, construction on Barakah Unit 1 began in 2012 and was completed in 2018.

Meanwhile, construction is progressing on Units 2, 3, and 4 of Barakah NEP, which has an overall completion rate of more than 93%.

Nawah's latest agreement will see KHNP and KPS providing routine and outage maintenance services Barakah NEP's four APR1400 units. 

KHNP is a subsidiary of Kepco, which is Enec's partner in the joint venture behind Barakah, as well as the project's prime contractor. 

Nawah said the KHNP consortium had been selected due to its "demonstrated capacity to work under the leadership of Nawah to support safe and quality-driven maintenance work at the Barakah plant". 

Related Article

Doosan wins Nawah maintainance contract for Barakah NEP

Maintenance service agreement signed with Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction for Barakah, which is 93% complete

by Neha Bhatia24 Jun 2019

Nawah Energy Company (Nawah), the subsidiary created by a joint venture of Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (Enec) and Korea Electric Power Corporation (Kepco) to operate and maintain the UAE's Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant (Barakah NEP), has signed a maintenance service agreement with Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction (DHIC), a subsidiary of South Korea's Changwon-headquartered Doosan Group, for the under-construction megaproject in Abu Dhabi that is now more than 93% complete.

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The consortium will deliver planning and implementation of maintenance, as well as highly qualified manpower including supervisory and management experts, plus maintenance leaders that will be deployed to safely maintain Barakah NEP. 

KHNP will work with Nawah to conduct testing, diagnostics, inspections, maintenance, and replacement work for both the nuclear and non-nuclear components of Barakah NEP. 


Commenting on the agreement, Nawah's chief executive officer, Mark Reddemann, said: "Through this agreement, we have created a robust framework of maintenance services providers that combine the best-in-class maintenance expertise in thermal and nuclear plant infrastructure and expertise in the APR1400 technology.

"The approval of these maintenance agreements stands as a firm commitment to securing the best international partners to ensure safe and quality-led nuclear maintenance at Barakah.”

Korea IT Times

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Jaehoon Chung, president and CEO of KHNP, added: “KHNP and KPS will assign its talented resources with outstanding technical expertise including high-level officials to the Barakah plant to support its safe and reliable operation.

"We will proactively support the UAE in its endeavours to secure its own capabilities to successfully operate the plant through localisation.

"I am confident that Team Korea, as the only party across the globe that has experience in operating APR-1400, can contribute to the safe and reliable operations of the Barakah plant by playing a crucial role in its maintenance project.”


