스트레스 물리치기 위해 책상에 있어야 할 식품들 10 Stress-Fighting Snacks to Keep in Your Desk
10 Stress-Fighting Snacks to Keep in Your Desk
By Leslie Barrie
Medically Reviewed by Lynn Grieger, RDN, CDE
March 18, 2019
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Reach for these tension-taming foods when your day starts getting hectic, so you can keep calm and work on.
Everyday Health
스트레스 물리치기 위해 책상에 있어야 할 식품들 "스트레스를 받을 때, 호르몬인 코티솔이 몸 안에 분비되며, 그것은 혈당 수치를 떨어뜨릴 수 있다," 보스턴의 개인 실습에서 영양사 세라 골드 안즐로바는 말한다. "당신의 몸은 혈당을 정상으로 되돌리기 위해 탄수화물을 갈망하고 있으며, 그것이 바로 당신이 어얼른 단맛을 찾는 이유일 것이다,"라고 그녀는 말한다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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When your day feels out of control — maybe there’s too much on your plate, or perhaps you just got an angry email from your boss — there’s a good chance you want to reach for a snack. Turns out there’s a reason for that.
“When you’re stressed, cortisol, which is the fight-or-flight hormone, is released in your body, and that can drop your blood sugar levels,” says Sarah Gold Anzlovar, RDN, a dietitian in private practice in Boston. “Your body craves carbohydrates to get your blood sugar back to normal, and that’s why you likely look for a quick sweet fix,” she says.
But even if you’re drawn to refined carbohydrates, like cookies and candy, those foods can actually do more harm than good. They act as a Band-Aid to initially calm your stress response, but then can lead to more stress as they spike your blood sugar, says Anzlovar. “Instead, you’ll want to snack on foods that keep blood sugar stable, which includes those that have fiber, protein, and fat,” she says.
Then, when you’re not stressed, try to eat to keep your mood that way. “Having the right nutrients on board can help you better deal with all of life’s pressures,” says Karen Ansel, RDN, a dietitian in private practice in Long Island, New York. “For example, we need certain nutrients to manufacture serotonin, a hormone that helps you feel relaxed and increases your well-being,” Ansel adds.
Consider storing these 10 snacks at your desk, so you can stay calm during tense times and prevent stressful situations in the future.
1. Biena Sea Salt Chickpea Snacks
2. RxBar Peanut Butter and Berries
3. Country Archer Original Beef Jerky
4. Justin’s Classic Almond Butter Squeeze Packs
5. NibMor Organic Daily Dose Dark Chocolate With 72 Percent Cacao
6. Thrive Market Organic Walnut Halves and Pieces
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