100만 홍콩 시민 손 들어준 美, 중국 한 방 먹였다 VIDEO: Hong Kong braces for new mass protests against planned extraditions to China

Hong Kong braces for new mass protests against planned extraditions to China

Clare Jim, Jessie Pang


HONG KONG (Reuters) - Hong Kong braced for strikes, transport go-slows and another mass demonstration in protest against a proposed extradition law that would allow people to be sent to China for trial, as the Chinese-ruled city’s leader vowed defiance.

Hundreds of thousands attend protest in Hong Kong over extradition bill/Vox


100만 홍콩 시민 손 들어준 美, 중국 한 방 먹였다

    미국 국무부가 10일(현지시간) 홍콩의 범죄인 인도법 개정안에 반대 의사를 밝혔다. 이와 같은 미국의 제스처는 자치를 요구하는 홍콩 시민들의 손을 들어주는 동시에, 중국을 압박하려는 의도로 풀이된다.  

美 국무부, 홍콩 시위 언급하며

"홍콩 자치권·민주주의 훼손 우려"

대만 언급에 이어 홍콩 손 들어주며 중국 압박

홍콩 정부가 추진하는 ‘범죄인 인도법’은 중국 본토와 대만, 마카오 등 홍콩과 조약을 체결하지 않은 국가나 지역에도 범죄인을 인도할 수 있도록 하는 내용을 담았다. 홍콩 시민들은 중국 정부가 반체제 인사나 인권운동가를 중국 본토로 송환하기 위해 이 법을 악용할 것이라고 우려하고 있다.   

상단 이미지 설명:

9일 홍콩에서 일어난 범죄인 인도법 개정안 반대 시위의 모습. 이 시위에는 100만 명이 넘는 홍콩 시민이 참여했다. [EPA=연합뉴스]

모건 오테이거스 국무부 대변인은 이날 브리핑에서 "미국 정부는 홍콩 정부가 제안한 개정안에 대해 심각한 우려를 표명한다"며 홍콩에서 수십만명이 벌인 평화시위는 이 법안에 대한 대중의 반대를 분명히 보여준다고 말했다. 


그는 법안 통과 시 중국 당국은 본토로 개인을 인도하도록 요구할 수 있게 된다면서 미국은 이 법안이 홍콩의 자치권을 훼손하고 오랫동안 지속한 인권 보호와 기본적 자유 및 민주적 가치에 부정적 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 홍콩인들의 우려를 공유한다고 강조했다. 


오테이거스 대변인은 "우리는 또한 개정안이 홍콩의 사업 환경을 해칠 수 있고 홍콩에 거주하거나 홍콩을 방문하는 우리 시민들에게 중국의 변덕스러운 사법제도를 강요할 수 있다고 우려한다"고 밝혔다. 

마이크 폼페이오 미국 국무장관. [EPA=연합뉴스]

마이크 폼페이오 장관은 지난달 홍콩의 민주화 지도자인 마틴 리 전 민주당 창당 주석을 만나 이번 법안이 "홍콩의 법치주의를 위협한다"며 우려를 표명한 바 있다. 


오테이거스 대변인은 "'한 국가 두 체제'의 지속적인 침식은 홍콩이 오랫동안 확립해 온 특수 지위와 국제 문제를 위태롭게 한다"고 강조했다. 


이는 홍콩의 일국양제가 갈수록 위협받고 있다는 취지로 보인다. 일국양제는 1997년 홍콩 주권반환 후 50년간 중국이 외교와 국방에 대한 주권을 갖되, 홍콩에 고도의 자치권을 부여한 것을 말한다. 


중국 정부는 홍콩이 추진하는 법안에 확고한 지지를 표명하면서 미국과 영국, 캐나다, 대만 등에서 이 법안을 비판하는 목소리가 나오는 데 대해 "외부 세력의 개입에 반대한다"는 입장을 보여왔다. 

홍지유 기자 hong.jiyu@joongang.co.kr 중앙일보

edited by kcontents

Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam said she would push ahead with the bill despite deep concerns across vast swaths of the Asian financial hub that triggered its biggest political demonstration since its handover from British to Chinese rule in 1997.

The Images Coming out of Hong Kong Are Simply Jawdropping/Mother Jones

edited by kcontents

In a rare move, prominent business leaders warned that pushing through the extradition law could undermine investor confidence in Hong Kong and erode its competitive advantages.

The extradition bill, which has generated unusually broad opposition at home and abroad, is due for a second round of debate on Wednesday in the city’s 70-seat Legislative Council. The legislature is controlled by a pro-Beijing majority.


An online petition has called for 50,000 people to surround the legislature building at 10 p.m. (1400 GMT) on Tuesday and remain until Wednesday.

Britain handed Hong Kong back to China under a “one-country, two-systems” formula, with guarantees that its autonomy and freedoms, including an independent justice system, would be protected.

But many accuse China of extensive meddling, denying democratic reforms, interfering with local elections and the disappearance of five Hong Kong-based booksellers, starting in 2015, who specialized in works critical of Chinese leaders.

Sunday’s protests plunged Hong Kong into political crisis, just as months of pro-democracy “Occupy” demonstrations did in 2014, heaping pressure on Lam’s administration and her official backers in Beijing.

She warned against any “radical actions”, following clashes in the early hours of Monday between some protesters and police after Sunday’s otherwise peaceful march.

Police erected metal barriers to secure the council building as a small number of protesters started to gather on Tuesday evening despite torrential rain and thunderstorm warnings. Police conducted random ID checks at train stations.

Pro-democracy lawmaker Claudia Mo urged people to join the rally and encouraged businesses to strike “for a day, or two, or probably for one whole week”.

Nearly 2,000 mostly small retail shops, including restaurants, grocery, book and coffee shops, have announced plans to strike, according to an online survey, a rare move in the staunchly capitalist economy.

Eaton HK Hotel, which is owned by Langham Hospitality Investments and operated by Great Eagle Holdings, said it respected workers’ “political stances” and would allow them to rally.

The student union of several higher education institutions and the Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union urged people to strike on Wednesday. Nearly 4,000 teachers said they would rally.

Human rights groups have repeatedly cited the alleged use of torture, arbitrary detentions, forced confessions and problems accessing lawyers in China, where the courts are controlled by the Communist Party, as reasons why the Hong Kong bill should not proceed.

“When the fugitive extradition bill is passed, Hong Kong will become a ‘useless Hong Kong’” said Jimmy Sham, convenor of Civil Human Rights Front. “We will be deep in a place where foreign investors are afraid to invest and tourists are afraid to go. Once the ‘Pearl of the Orient’ (it) will become nothing.”

The Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong called on the government not to pass the bill “hurriedly” and urged all Christians to pray for the former colony.

A staff union affiliated to a pro-democracy labor group under the New World First Bus Company called on its members to drive at the speed of 20-25 kmh (12-15 mph) to show their opposition to the proposed law.

A Facebook post called on people to enjoy a picnic next to government offices on Wednesday, describing the area as “among the best picnic sites”. The post has attracted close to 10,000 responses from people promising to attend.

Beijing-based consultancy Gavecal said some bankers in Hong Kong were reporting that many mainland clients were shifting their accounts to Singapore, fearing they could come under scrutiny in the financial hub.


Pro-democracy legislator Claudia Mo and protest organiser Jimmy Sham demonstrate outside the Legislative Council building in Hong Kong, China June 11, 2019. REUTERS/Thomas Peter


Many residents of the financial center, both expatriate and local, are increasingly unnerved by Beijing’s tightening grip over the city.

China’s foreign ministry said on Tuesday that Hong Kong matters are purely a Chinese internal affair and China demands the United States stops interfering in Hong Kong’s affairs.

The comments came after Washington said on Monday it was gravely concerned about the proposed law and warned that such a move could jeopardize the special status Washington affords Hong Kong.

Prominent business figures urged the government to tread cautiously to protect Hong Kong’s competitiveness.

“The integrity and independence of (Hong Kong’s) legal system are absolutely central to Hong Kong’s future,” said Fred Hu, founder and chairman of China-based private equity firm, Primavera Capital Group.

Activist investor David Webb, in a post on Lam’s Facebook page, urged her to send the bill to the Law Reform Commission for further study.

“If you press ahead and bulldoze the bill through LegCo, then you will probably get the legislation passed, but at huge political cost and damage to the international credibility of HK for due process when reforming its legislation,” Webb said.

Additional reporting by Kane Wu, James Pomfret, Greg Torode, Anne Marie Roantree, Felix Tam and Vimvam Tong; Writing by Anne Marie Roantree; Editing by Paul Tait and Nick Macfie

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