[다뉴브강 참사] 한국 정부, 외교 결례까지?....[속보] 헝가리 반대로 잠수부 선체 진입 불가, 주변만 살펴 VIDEO: The Latest: Hungary: Divers try to recover bodies from boat
The Latest: Hungary: Divers try to recover bodies from boat
Posted Jun 3, 2019 4:15 am PDT
BUDAPEST, Hungary — The Latest on salvage efforts at site of sunken tour boat in Hungary’s capital (all times local):
A diver, center, prepares to submerge into the Danube River under the Margaret Bridge during a search operation where a sightseeing boat capsized in Budapest, Hungary, Monday, June 3, 2019. Preparations for salvage efforts of a sunken tour boat in the Danube River have resumed in Budapest. The boat carrying South Korean tourists capsized and sank Wednesday night after colliding with a much larger river cruise ship near the Hungarian Parliament building. (AP Photo/Laszlo Balogh)
한국 정부, 외교 결례까지?....[속보] 헝가리 반대로 잠수부 선체 진입 불가, 주변만 살펴
상단 사진 설명: 다뉴브강 유람선 침몰 사고 엿새째인 3일(현지시간) 헝가리 부다페스트 다뉴브강 머르기트 다리 아래에서 헝가리 수색팀 잠수사가 본격적인 수중 수색 가능성을 확인한 뒤 나오고 있다. [연합뉴스] 헝가리 다뉴브강 유람선 침몰사고가 일어난 지 엿새째인 3일(현지시간) 오전 8시쯤부터 한국 정부 합동신속대응팀 소속 잠수 요원들이 사고 현장에서 처음으로 수중 탐색을 진행했지만 헝가리 측의 반대로 선체 진입엔 실패했다.
부다페스트 현지 수색본부 현장지휘관인 송순근 육군대령은 헝가리 측과 한국 측 잠수부 2명씩 머르기트 다리 아래 정박한 바지선에 연결된 다이빙 플랫폼을 통해 교대로 수중으로 투입했지만, 잠수부가 들어가서 선체 주변 환경만 살폈다고 밝혔다. 송 대령은 “오늘 오전 9시에 잠수사 1명이 들어갔다가 나왔다”며 “헝가리 측에서는 근본적으로 선체 진입은 구조 요원의 안전이 위험할 수 있기 때문에 근본적으로 불가능하다는 판단을 내렸다”고 밝혔다.
송 대령은 “헝가리 측은 인양 준비 작업을 시작해 이르면 5일부터 인양을 시도하고 최대한 9일까지 인양작업을 완료하겠다는 방침”이라고 말했다.
송 대령은 헝가리 당국 측이 대형 크레인을 수심이 더 낮아지는 5일쯤 현장으로 이동시켜 인양작업을 할 예정이라고 설명했다. 송 대령은 또 헝가리 당국이 수중 선체 수색을 위해 200㎏ 무게의 대형 사다리 2개를 준비했다고 덧붙였다. edited by kcontents
헝가리 당국과 신속대응팀은 이날 오전 합동으로 선체 수색 가능성을 살펴보기 위한 잠수 작업을 시작했다. 헝가리 당국은 추후 브리핑을 통해 잠수 작업 결과를 설명할 것으로 보인다. 한영혜 기자 han.younghye@joongang.co.kr 한국경제 |
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1:10 p.m.
Hungarian officials say exploratory dives have begun in the Danube River in attempts to recover any bodies still in the sightseeing boat that sank last week carrying Korean tourists.
Janos Hajdu, head of Hungary’s Counter-Terrorism Center, says that the river’s speed has slowed slightly but it is still very hard for divers to move in it. He added that Hungarian divers aren’t allowed to enter the sunken boat.
Twenty-one of the 35 people aboard are still missing, with seven confirmed deal and seven rescued. The Hableany (Mermaid) collided Wednesday night with a large river cruise ship at Budapest’s Margit Bridge, capsized and sank in about seven seconds.
Hajdu said the wreckage was located nine meters (29 1/2 feet) deep, about 3 metres (9 feet 10 inches) lower that previously reported by the government.
Rescue team members work on a barge floating on the Danube river under the Margaret Bridge where a sightseeing boat capsized in Budapest, Hungary, Monday, June 3, 2019. Preparations for salvage efforts of a sunken tour boat in the Danube River have resumed in Budapest. The boat carrying South Korean tourists capsized and sank Wednesday night after colliding with a much larger river cruise ship near the Hungarian Parliament building. (AP Photo/Laszlo Balogh) Photo Credit: AP
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Hajdu added that a floating crane able to lift 200 tons and which would be able to hoist the boat out of the water is expected at the scene within days.
10:30 a.m.
Preparations for salvage efforts of a sunken tour boat in the Danube River have resumed in Budapest.
A diver could be seen Monday morning entering the water from a pontoon in the river, holding on to a ladder in the river as other adjusted his air hose and other equipment.
The Danube’s fast flow, its high springtime water levels and near zero visibility under water have prevented divers from reaching the sunken boat so far.
The boat carrying South Korean tourists capsized and sank Wednesday night after colliding with a much larger river cruise ship near the Hungarian Parliament building.
Seven of the 35 people on board have been rescued, with seven confirmed fatalities and 21 people, including 19 South Koreans and the two Hungarian crew members, still missing.
The Associated Press