이것만 해도 암발생 위험 낮출 수 있다. Four keys to prevent cardiovascular disease

Four keys to prevent cardiovascular disease

Are you doing everything you can to keep your heart healthy?

Published: May, 2019

After decades of steady decline, the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease (CVD) has risen over the past few years, according to the American Heart Association.


이것만 해도 암발생 위험 낮출 수 있다

   간단한 건강 습관만 몇 가지 실천해도 암 발생을 낮추고, 암으로 인한 사망을 절반 가까이 줄일 수 있는 것으로 나타났다.

미국 하버드대학교 의과대학 연구팀이 미국 성인 13만6000여명의 건강 기록을 분석한 결과, 건강한 생활습관을 가지면 암 발생 위험을 낮추고, 암으로 인한 사망률을 대폭 줄일 수 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다.

연구팀은 “건강한 생활습관을 따르면 암 발생은 20~40% 낮아지고 암으로 인한 사망은 절반이 줄어든다”고 밝혔다. 연구팀이 제시한 건강 생활습관은 


1주일에 적어도 2시간 30분 정도 적당한 강도의 운동 


적정 체중 유지 


이 4가지 생활습관을 잘 실천할 경우 폐암으로 인한 사망은 80%, 대장암 30%, 전립선암 21%, 유방암 12% 등으로 감소하는 것으로 조사됐다.

연구팀은 “절주의 경우 여성은 1잔, 남성은 2잔을 넘지 말아야 하고 체중은 체질량지수를 18.5~27.5 사이를 유지하는 게 좋다”고 말했다.

이 연구 결과(Preventable Incidence and Mortality of Carcinoma Associated With Lifestyle Factors Among White Adults in the United States)는 ‘미국의사협회 온칼러지(JAMA Oncology)’에 실렸다.

권순일 기자 kstt77@kormedi.com코메디닷컴

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The good news is that an estimated 80% of all CVD cases — heart disease, heart attack, heart failure, and stroke — can be prevented. The key is to control high blood pressure and high cholesterol and to maintain healthy habits, such as exercising regularly, eating a plant-based diet, getting enough sleep, and not smoking.

No surprise, right? This advice has been consistent for many years.

But the best way to meet these standards is to change how you think about heart health, advises Dr. Ron Blankstein, a preventive cardiologist with Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital.

"Heart health is not about short-term fixes, but rather making long-term lifestyle changes," he says. "You are not destined to have poor heart health, and there are simple steps you can take that may lower your risk if you approach it the right way."

Here is a closer look at the main areas you should focus on.

Harvard Gazette - Harvard University

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Federal guidelines recommend 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise five times a week. "Keep in mind that this is the minimum, and evidence suggests that doing more is better," says Dr. Blankstein.

If this sounds daunting, focus on different types of activity that you enjoy. For instance, Dr. Blankstein suggests spreading your total activity time across two areas: purposeful exercise and daily movement.


Purposeful exercises are the traditional workouts like power walking, treadmill running, swimming, cycling, or rowing. For daily movement, focus on doing small bouts of activity throughout your day, such as these:

Walk for five minutes every two hours.

Do a set or two of push-ups either on the floor or against the kitchen counter.

Perform up to 10 repetitions of stand-and-sit exercises, where you rise from a chair not using your arms and then sit down again.

Also, look for opportunities to do extra movements. For example, wash your car instead of using the drive-through car wash, park farther away from the grocery store, take the stairs, and do simple yard work like weeding, planting, and raking. "Every bit of everyday movement can count toward your overall exercise requirements," says Dr. Blankstein.

Another way to increase daily movement is to wear an activity tracker, which counts the number of steps you take. About 10,000 steps per day is a standard target. "It's an easy number to remember and something that many active people can reach during their day," says Dr. Blankstein.


For heart protection, your diet should focus on plant foods, and you should minimize your intake of red meat, especially processed meat, according to Dr. Blankstein.

The plant-based diets that have been most studied for heart health are the Mediterranean diet, the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet, and the MIND (Mediterranean-DASH Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) diet. Each one emphasizes foods associated with heart healthy benefits, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and healthy oils like olive oil.

"These foods are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that lower blood pressure and LDL [bad] cholesterol, reduce the risk of diabetes, and help maintain a healthy weight, all of which can lower your risk of heart disease," says Dr. Blankstein.

Adopting a plant-based diet isn't easy for everyone, so you should ease into it. "Find a few plant-based recipes that you enjoy and add them to your regular meals," says Dr. Blankstein.

Another approach is to switch out your current foods. For example, choose oatmeal instead of processed cereal, and replace red meat with legumes or nuts as your protein source. Also, pick a few days a week on which all your meals meet a heart-healthy and plant-based standard. "Gradually, you will feel the positive effects of the diet, which can motivate you to do more," says Dr. Blankstein.


Guidelines from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society recommend adults get at least seven hours of sleep per night on a regular basis.

Studies have found that getting less than this amount is associated with heart disease risk factors like higher stress, increased inflammation, high blood pressure, and weight gain.

Sleep disorders like sleep apnea, in which a person stops breathing repeatedly during sleep, also can raise your risk. In fact, a report published online Feb. 12, 2018, by the Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy found that people with sleep apnea are more likely to also have heart failure, an irregular heartbeat, and diabetes.

When is a heart scan helpful?

Many men have a heart risk profile that falls into the intermediate range and are unsure about the need to take a statin. That is when a coronary artery calcium (CAC) heart scan can help. Fatty plaque can build up in your heart arteries. Often this plaque calcifies and appears on a CAC scan as small white specks. The amount of calcification is scored on a scale from zero to 400 and higher. A higher score indicates more plaque buildup, and implies a greater chance of a heart attack, which suggests that statin therapy may be beneficial.


See your doctor to get your cholesterol levels and blood pressure checked to determine if you need additional treatments.

Cholesterol. The latest cholesterol guidelines suggest people should strive for an LDL cholesterol level of less than 70 milligrams per deciliter. The guidelines also recommend that people ages 40 to 75 have their risk of cardiovascular disease calculated by a doctor to determine if they should take a statin to help lower their cholesterol.

Blood pressure. The American Heart Association / American College of Cardiology recently changed the definition of high blood pressure to 130/80 mm Hg or higher.

"Because people cannot feel when their blood pressure is elevated, it is important to get it regularly checked," says Dr. Blankstein. This can be done at your doctor's office or your local pharmacy. If your pressure tends to run high and you need ongoing monitoring, consider investing in a home blood pressure machine.



