화재 소실 노트르담 성당 복원에 사용될 정밀한 디지털 지도 VIDEO; Detailed 3D laser scans of Notre Dame Cathedral captured by late historian could be ..

Detailed 3D laser scans of Notre Dame Cathedral captured by late historian could be used to save the building, as officials pledge to restore it in the wake of the fire


After devastating fire, 3-D scans of Notre Dame from work of researcher Andrew Talon could be saving grace 

Using lasers and panoramic photography Tallon constructed an exact digital copy of the historic building

His groundbreaking work also uncovered clues as to how the cathedral was built and changed over time


화재 소실 노트르담 성당 복원에 사용될 정밀한 디지털 지도

복원에 큰 기여할 듯

   치명적인 화재의 여파로 노트르담의 복원을 위한 키는 레이저 기술을 사용하여 만들어진 완벽한 지도의 디지털 복사본에 의해 이루어질 수 있다. 

지난해 49세의 나이로 뇌암으로 사망한 건축가 앤드류 탤런은 2015년 레이저 기술과 디지털 사진을 혼합해 파리의 노트르담 대성당의 모든 세부사항을 힘들지만 성공적으로 만들었다.

탈론은 10억 개 이상의 자료를 사용하여 대성당을 생동시킬 수 있었다. 지금까지 만들어진 건물 중 가장 정확한 렌더링 방식이었다.

특히 탈론은 50여 곳에 걸쳐 교회 내외부의 정확한 3-D 사양을 측정하기 위해 회전 레이저 기계를 사용했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

안타까운 '파리 노트르담 대성당'에 큰불 VIDEO: Why the Notre Dame fire was so hard to put out


edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 17:27 BST, 16 April 2019 | UPDATED: 18:06 BST, 16 April 2019

The key to rebuilding Notre Dame in the wake of a devastating fire could rely on a perfectly mapped digital copy created by using laser technology. 

In 2015 the late architect Andrew Tallon -- who died last year of brain cancer at the age of 49 -- successfully and painstakingly captured every detail of Paris' Notre Dame cathedral by employing a mix of laser technology and digital photography.  

Using more than 1 billion points of data Tallon was able to bring the cathedral to life in what is the most accurate rendering of the building ever made.

Specifically, Tallon used a rotating laser machine to measure exact 3-D specifications of the interior and exterior of the church throughout more than 50 locations. 


edited by kcontents

He then used panoramic photographs of the same locations mapped by lasers to overlay aesthetic detail, which allowed Tallon to stitch together a replica that was not only accurate in dimension but in physical appearance. 

Tallon was not the first to leverage laser technology to map medieval buildings, but in the case of Notre Dame, he was by far the most successful.

A previous attempt to capture the cathedral in a digital replica resulted in researchers' machine literally going up in smoke, according to a National Geographic report. 

Perhaps the most groundbreaking results of Tallon's work that separate it from other digital scans of Notre Dame's ilk, is is that it created not only a copy of how the building looked in the present moment, but also how it changed over time.



